Riddle 3 ( The homeless man )

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I was walking to the subway cause I take the train all the time , for work . Today when I arrived at the ' subway station ' I noticed there was a homeless guy who was saying strange things to people who where walking by . When a fat lady walks past the man he said ' Pig '

Woaaa..... That's rude .

Then there walks a tall bussines man past the homeless guy and he said ' human '

Okay that's a bit nicer cause yeah we all are humans right ?!

Then my train arrived and I went to my work thinking at the homeless guy all day and at what he said , it was not only ' pig ' and ' human ' but also ' tomato ' , ' onion ' , ' chicken ' , ......

I wanted to know what was wrong so when I went home I asked the man about it and when I was near him he said ' bread ' to me .

' Hey , so why are you saying those things to me and to other people ? '

' Well I don't say those things to hurt but I have some sort of gift wich I can use to see what the last thing is that people ate . '

' Oooh .... well thanks for telling and now that I notice , the last thing I ate was bread actually ! '

' Well youre welcome '

I walked off and thought to myself that the gift that he had was really useless !

Did you noticed the ' horror ' of this story ? Read veeeery carefully ! ;)

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