Chapter 10

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                 (Harry's POV)

          "Louis! Wait! Please come back.  I love you!" I yelled as I chased him down the lawn. "No. How dare you say that to me, when you can't even tell your mom I'm your freaking boyfriend!" He yelled, I can see him tearing up. I hug him but it's really not the time. "Louis, I thought you weren't ready to come out." I said hoping he will understand.  "I told you I was ready! I told you Harry! You blew it. You made it clear to me, that you don't care. Is this why you don't have friends or boyfriends? Because you tear them apart and you make it seem as if your embarrassed to be seen with them? HUH!" Did I really make him feel like that from such little words? "L-Louis I'm sorry, I, um we can tell her now." I said hoping he will forgive me. Hell, I wouldn't even forgive me!"No. You can tell her," he rubbed his eyes and began to cry. He continued "Harry you can tell her in your, ex-boyfriend. Bye." He the lawn. How could i let this happen. I'm a horrible person. My mom walked over to me as I fell to my knees. "NOW YOU TAKE AN INTEREST IN MY LOVE LIFE. WELL IN MY LIFE TOTAL. JUST GO. YOU RUINED EVERYTHING. I WILL NEVER BE LOVED" i yelled sobbing my eyes out. "Good, no son of mine will ever be gay. No matter what." She said in the most cold voice ever. Those words killed me. How could she think those thoughts. She is my mom. She is suppose to love me for who i am. "Then, I guess I'm not your son." I said to her. I'm so angry, why me. "Go pack. Or you can pay to stay. I'm done with you and serving you and paying for your rent and your clothes. GO ON LEAVE. IT WONT AFFECT ANYONE. IF ANYTHING IT WILL MAKE ME HAPPY KNOWING A FAG IS OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Will  I never be loved. I pull out my phone to see who i can contact. No one in my family gave me their number. I only had Louis as a contact. And well, the person who made everyone  hate me, my ex, Zayn Malik. I don't know why i didn't delete it. I will never go to him again. Maybe I should leave and never come back. Maybe I should just die. I know it will make my mom happier. And me too. I will be with the one person who ever cared for me, my dad. I never told anyone about him. He was the only one who could accept me for me. But he died in a car accident when i was 15. When I came out. Maybe I should do the same. I dont even think to pack. I just grab a picture of my dad, i grab my phone and my car keys. I need to text Louis I love him before my life is taken away.

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