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   *trigger warning, nothing too bad but I want you guys to be okay*
  I walk through my front door, my backpack over my shoulder. I turn to lock the door, and turn back to stare at the living room.
  "Mom?" I asked, peeking around the corner to the kitchen. I saw her standing there, earbuds in her ears, humming as she cooked. I let out a small chuckle, and tapped her shoulder. She turned to look at me, before smiling. I smiled back, and she pulled the earbuds out of her ears.
"Welcome home, (Y/N)." She hugged me, and turned back to cooking. I sigh, as I walked up the stairs. I really didn't want to go back to school tomorrow.

~Time skip to the next day~

Mark and Jack practically tackled me when I entered the building.
  "(Y/N)!!" They were screeching my names, trying to get my attention. The other students stared at me like I was gonna die, like Mark and Jack are creatures trying to eat me. I just smiled as they hugged me.
  "Where were you yesterday?! We went looking for you after school!" Mark yelled, shaking me.
  "I had to go... somewhere." I answer with a smile.
  "You had me worried sick tere! Don't do tat every again, ye hear?!" Jack screeched.
  ~So I'm feeling lazy and I'm not writing an entire school day again so Time Skip to after school~
  The bell rang and I had begun to walk to my locker. Only to turn around at the sound of shouting. A boy, not just a boy, Vanoss was walking down the hallway with his group toward me. I turn back in the direction of my locker and begun to speed walk there. I unlock my locker and swung the door open, and grabbed what I needed. I went to turn around, and saw the entire group behind me. I jumped so high, I crashed into the lockers. They just appeared out of no where!
  "So (Y/N)... you're going to go home with another person out of our group. But you don't get to pick this time. I do." He gave me a wicked evil grin, and walked up to me, before pointing in the direction of... "You're going with Tyler tonight." Tyler.
  "But whyyyyyyyy?!" I groaned, as Evan chuckled.
  "Because." He answered simply, as I pulled my phone out. I mumbled a few words under my breath as I texted my mom telling her that I was going to hang out with my new 'friends'. I roll my eyes and turn to Tyler before walking up to him. He was looking anywhere but me, but I caught his attention as I gripped his arm and began to drag him away from the rest of them.
  "Let's just get his over with." I mumbled under my breath.
  The walk to his house was actually really quiet. He said nothing, but I caught him staring at me a few times. As we approached a two story house, he sighed.
  "We're here." He grumbled. I roll my eyes, as he dragged me inside. He didn't even yell to let his parents know he was home or anything, he just dragged me up the stairs to his room. He pushed me through the door, glanced down the stairs, then walked in himself and shut the door close behind him.
  "I don't want to do this." He frowned, and legit belly flopped onto his bed. I giggled, and he lifted his gaze to stare at me.
  "What's so funny?" He asked, and I just giggled more. "What the flip are you giggling about?!" He almost yelled, before he became quiet. I giggled a fake giggle to annoy him.
  "I swear!" He shouts, and grabs my hand, before giving me an evil smile.
  I stare at him in confusion.
  "You're really asking for it." His smile grew wider as he stood up. He walked over to what looked like a desk, with a laptop sitting on the surface. I fake giggled once more.
  He turned to look at me, before yanking me off the bed and shoving me up against the wall. I stood dumbfounded against the wall, as he stood a few foot away. He slowly walked up to me and slammed both his hands next to each side of my head.
  "Wha..." I started, only to be cut off. He held his pointer finger against my lips, and he leaned in closer.
  "Don't talk." He answered simply. I heard creaking outside of the room, which I presumed were footsteps. The footsteps were gone in a matter of time.
  "Okay... they're gone... let me go now?" I furrowed my eyebrows, and stared at him. He said nothing, he only locked eyes with me. He leaned in and set his forehead on mine. Our noses touched ever so slightly. My face was probably as red as a tomato by then, because a large smirk formed on his face.
  "You're so gullible." He said simply, as he pulled away.
  "Wait... YOU CAN'T JUST-!" I started to yell only to have him quickly place his lips on mine. He pushed me up against the wall again, and he sunk into the kiss. I hesitated, I didn't want to kiss back. As he pulled away, interrupting my thoughts, I thought he was done. But boy was I wrong.
  He moved a portion of my (H/L) (H/C) strand of hair off of my neck, before trailing along my chin with kisses.
  I immediately became uncomfortable. This was moving to fast. I used my free hands to push him on the chest a bit to try and give him a hint, but he didn't budge. He began to trail from my chin halfway down my neck. I bit my bottom lip, and decided that was enough. I pushed him full force off of me. He stumbled backwards, and fell down onto the floor. I must have been blushing like crazy, because when he looked back up at me, his confusion was replaced with a smirk.
  "What the heck?!" I yelled at him. "No!"
  "What? Am I not allowed to kiss a hot girl?" He questioned, his smirk growing bigger. He was hitting on me.
  "Wha-.." I started but bit my tongue, to rephrase what I was going to say. "We just met like two days ago. If you want to kiss a 'hot girl' you need to get to know her first. Get a book called relationship advice 101. You need it."
  He lay there on the ground, lost for words. I sighed and walked up to him. I held out my hand for him to grab so I could help him to his feet. What'd he do? He got on one knee, took my hand, stared DIRECTLY into my (E/C) eyes like a creep, and planted a kiss on my hand. I yanked my hand away.
  "You know what, you can pick yourself up off the ground. I'm not gonna try." I answer before storming over to his bed and laying on it.
  "Oh, but I thought you said I needed to take advice on flirting." He answered, a playful tone laced with his voice. I turn back to see him at the edge of the bed.
  "Well what I said was true." I answer, before turning away.
  "Don't be like that (Y/N)~!" He whimpered in the cringiest voice ever. I cringed and I wiggled around on the bed, the voice was too much to handle.
  "Stop being cringe worthy." I tell him. I feel a pressure on the foot of the bed, and I look down. He was climbing on to the bed. He climbed on top of me, hovering over me. He stared into my eyes, and I sighed, closing my eyes. I could feel my eyebrow twitch in irritation.
  "Stop!" I screeched as I kick him off the bed. He persisted and climbed back on top of me.
  "You know what. I'm done. Get off of me." I ordered, but he didn't budge.
  "Where were we again?" He asked, before his eyes moved to my neck. Why was he staring at it like he was a vampire?

  Ignore my weirdness.
But I told you guys I was going to have moments in the story with every character, and TYLER BY FAR IS THE MOST OUTGOING.

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