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⚜️4 Weeks Later⚜️

I knocked on the white door, my wrist moving quickly. I waited patiently at Delirious's door, waiting for someone to answer. I held a small glass cup with [F/D] in it, occasionally taking a small sip while waiting.
I sighed in frustration, and looked under the mat in front of his door. Luckily, I found a spare key. (I know thats over used).
I unlocked his door, and walk in.
My smile faded within seconds.
The cup I held fell to the ground, and shattered to a million pieces.
Just like my heart had.


"WAS I NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU?!" I screech, shaking my head. Tears fell from my eyes like rivers, falling to the floor and splattering into small dots.
Delirious's eyes grew wide, his tears also falling.
Moments ago, I had driven to Delirious's house to pick him up so we could go some where. And what did I find? Some sl** making out with him. He cheated on me.
The past 4 weeks has been amazing, Delirious made me so happy.
He had even gotten me a promise ring. But he had to go and cheat. I'm not enough for anybody.
He tried to grab my arm. I whipped around and slapped him. Hard. I didn't even try to hold back, I slapped him across the face, with all my might.
His mask flew off, as it crashed into the wall only a few feet away from us.
He turned to stare at me.
"You wouldn't even show me your face, you promised you would. You promised you wouldn't cheat. YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T HURT ME!! Look what I've found! The person I came to fall in love with MAKING OUT with another girl." I rubbed the bottom of my palms against my eyes. "I'm not enough for you. I'm not enough for anyone. Everyone always leaves me, they leave me for someone else. But they don't know how much they shattered my heart more." I broke down crying, trying my best to walk away.
Delirious had acted weird for a few days, now that I think about it.
"[Y-Y/N]... I'm so sorry! Let me explain PLEASE!" Delirious begged, as he pulled himself to his feet. He went to grab my hand, but I yanked it out of his grasp.
"I don't want to hear your bull crap, Delirious." I turn away, and began to head for the door.
I felt his arms wrap around my body, and I immediately squirmed in protest.
"[Y-Y/N] I would never cheat on you. Just let me explain. Please." He begged once again.
I squirmed out of his grasp within seconds. I turn to face him, my face probably red from crying and anger.
"Leave me alone. Go date that sl** you made out with. You don't love me, so don't even try. We're over Delirious."
I walked out of his door, and drove away. I quickly jumped out of the car when I made it home, and rushed to my room.
I pull out my laptop and quickly start it up.
I unfriended Delirious on everything.
I looked to see who all was online now.
Only David was on. I quickly clicked on his circle on discord, and started a voice chat. It rung and I listened to the ringing, his voice coming as soon as he answered.
"Hello?" I heard his voice. I let out a thick sob, the tears flowing from my cheeks once more. I couldn't hold back my crying.
"[Y-Y/N]? What happened?" He asked, his thick Irish accent covered in worry.
"Delirious... h-he cheated on me." I sobbed again, not being able to handle my own emotions.
"He did? Tat flipping... I'm gonna beat his a**." David growled. "Where do you live? I know you live close."
"[Y/A]." (Your address). I responded, my tears coming to a slow end.
"Okay. I'm coming." He answered, and the call ended.
(WARNING! Self-harm and dark thoughts up ahead. If you are depressed yourself please tell me and I can help you in anyway, but this is just for this story. Please in no way hurt yourself in real life. It would make me cry.)
I set my laptop down on my bed, as I walk downstairs and unlocked the front door ahead of time so that David could enter. I waited patiently, but became inpatient as time went on.
Your nothing. A small voice in the back of my head whispered.
Even Delirious cheated on you. He thinks your nothing. You're just a piece of sh**.
No one will love you. Multiple voices chimed in. I shook my head to block it out. I walked quickly to the bathroom, my hands itching.
Kill yourself. You have nothing to live for. Delirious thought you were nothing. I felt the sticky substance of tears falling down my cheeks once again.
I sat in my bathroom on the floor, the door locked. I pressed the bottom of my palms against my eyes.
"Please.. stop." I begged my thoughts.
Kill yourself!
You have nothing to live for.
Your an ugly piece of sh**.
No one will love you.
"Stop!!" I screamed. Everything became dead silent, as I pulled my palms from my eyes.
There, on the counter, was a razor. A razor that I used to shave. My hands twitched, itching to grab the razor.
It's right there [Y/N].
I look at the ground, trying to ignore it.
That razor can end everything.
I shake my head, grabbing the sides of my head.
"[Y/N]?" I heard David's voice from the living room.
Ignore him. Don't let him in the bathroom.
Take the razor. It can end everything. You know you want to do it.
I shakily grabbed the razor, and popped the blade out.
My hand shook like crazy, as I lowered the blade to my arm.
I took a deep breath in, and pressed it against my skin.
Yes, [Y/N].
I drew four, long lines against my wrists. Blood immediately began to flow out of the cuts, rolling down and around my arm and onto the ground.
Keep going.
David knocked on the door. I completely ignored him, as I slowly made another long cut.
"[Y/N]? Are you alright?" David asked, as he banged on the door.
I began to draw another long line on my arm.
[Y/N], stop. It's not worth it. A part of my brain begged, only to end drowned out by the other.
I took in a shaky breath, as I began to lower the razor once more.
I felt a cold swish of air as the door flew open, slamming against the wall, which in turn made me drop the blade.
David's eyes met mine, the tears still flowing from my eyes.
His eyes trailed down to my arm, and he dropped onto his knees.
"Holy sh**... [Y/N]? [Y/N] please listen to me." I ignored him, and stared at the ground, the blood falling into a small puddle on the ground. He pulled a towel off of the counter, and pressed it against my arm. "Cutting isn't right. Suicide isn't te answer. You may tink Delirious left you because your noting. But you're not, and I know tat for a fact. I've been where you are. I had fallen in love wit a girl named Molly. We dated for like a mont, and ten I remember finding her making out wit anoter boy. I felt my heart shatter to pieces. Ten, voices began to speak to me. Tey told me I was noting. Tey told me I couldn't do anyting in this world. Tey told me tat no one would love me. But I knew tat wasn't true because I knew I had others tat were tere for me."
He pulled the towel off my arm, seeing as the blood stopped running. He took the towel and set it where the blood was, wiping it off the floor. I was surprised to see he wouldn't get sick from all the blood.
"People care about you, [Y/N]...", he trailed off, as he looked up at me. "I care about you."
He stared into my eyes. I gave him a weak smile.
"I love tat about you. No matter what, even in dire situations, you will always smile. You're so sweet, and caring. You spend time wit us, even tough we treat you like crap. But I realize now that you weren't te person we were led on to believe tat you were. You're an amazing, beautiful, girl, tat I have fallen in love wit. And I don't regret it one bit." I felt the tears increase, and I let out a sob. David jumped, but his eyes softened. He finished cleaning up the blood, and tossed the towel onto the counter. He stared down at the blade, his eyes as cold as stone, and he picked it up. He threw it into the trash with such force, it knocked the trash can over.
He turned back to me, and gave me a tight hug. I hugged back, grinning as I felt his own tears soak my shoulder.
He pulled away and picked me up, bridal style, and carried me to my bed.
He set me down gently, and I felt my eyes become heavy. He smiled.
He rushed back out to the bathroom, and within seconds, came back with bandages. He stared down at my arm, and traced the lines with his finger, and I watched as multiple tears fell from his eyes and landed on the cuts. He touched the soft fabric against my skin, and wrapped the spots where the long lines were. He finished within records time, and sat in a chair not too far away.
I felt the sleep come to my eyes, and I fell into an abyss of blackness.
Please in no way hurt yourself. I care about each and every one of you. I want you to know:

If you think you're nothing, you something.
Even if they tell you differently, they can't see anything.
I care, about you and everyone.
Even if the thoughts and pain weigh a ton.
Don't cut yourself, I care about you.
Others do, too.
Just come to me if your in pain.
I'll do anything to help.

I loaf and care about you all.
~Luna 💗

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