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    (I honestly don't know where I am going to go with this book. I may have a small idea later on in the book.
I'll shut up now.
Enjoy the update.)
(I started this song and almost burst out in tears and it became a little hard to breath. What just happened O-o anyway)...

  •*~Vanoss's P.O.V~*•
"Vanoss, what the h**l was that, you a**?" Delirious angrily yelled at me, as he pushed my shoulder. I stare down at my red converse shoes.
I stayed silent. When [Y/N] yelled at us to get out of her life, something shattered inside me. I wasn't sure what, but it hurt me so much to hear that from her.
When I had 'confronted' her, the words poured out of my mouth. I honestly couldn't control it, I lost control.
As soon as I had walked away, I had burst out in tears. Delirious followed me, and had stopped dead in his tracks.
That was the first time he'd ever seen me cry.
I honestly can't take having to be the bad guy. I try to find ways to change it. But the ideas end up withering away, just like how the rest of me withered away.
What the h**l is wrong with me? I should be able to control myself. But ever since [Y/N] showed up, I haven't been able to think straight. I became so angry when I saw the others flirt with her. I don't understand this nagging feeling. I can't exactly put my finger on what is happening.
What is happening to me?
I sighed, and put the bottom of my palms on my eyes. Delirious began to rub my back, trying to help.
He's the only one that ever understood me. He was always there for me. I remember when we were kids we'd always play and laugh our heads off. We'd have fun with other kids.
What ever happened?

"You monsters! Get off of him!" Jonathan yelled. I wiped my tears with my shaking, tiny hands, as the bruises on my body hurt.
"Ha! You're weak. You're always weak!" I heard Nathan yell.
It's always been like this. Nathan and his friend would always laugh at me and Jonathan. They'd beat us up, spit on us, throw us down a hill. They didn't care how emotionally drained we'd be, they'd never leave us alone.
Jonathan ran over, shoving Nathan away.
"Jonathan, no..!" I screeched, as Nathan shoved him back, making him tumble backwards. He began to kick him in the stomach.
Something in me boiled. I had had enough.
I stood up, turning to Nathan's friend. I kneed him in the stomach, and tackled him, punching him in the face a few times to give him the message to leave us alone.
I then turned to Nathan. He had watched me beat his friend, his face was horrified. Jonathan was still on the ground in tears.
I approached Nathan, my hand in a fist.
"Leave us alone, you got it?" I yelled, as I sent my fist flying at his face. It hit him right on the cheek, and he stumbled backwards, before falling over. He stared up at me in horror, as I towered over him. He jumped up, and began to run away.
I turned my attention back to Jonathan.
"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, as I kneeled down next to Jonathan. He looked up me, his tears dried on his cheeks. He nodded slowly. I gave him a sheepish grin, as I held out my hand.
He took it gratefully, and I pulled him up onto his feet.
I quickly hugged him, and he hugged me back.
"I'll never let anyone hurt you again, you got that?" I hugged him tightly. "If someone ever tries to hurt you, you come to me, okay?"
I felt him nod against my shoulder.
"The same goes to you." He said, as he pulled away from the hug. "You know what we need now?"
"What?" I asked, excitedly.
"We need nicknames!" He chuckled.
"Ooh! Ooh! I know one for you!" I raised my arms up into the air excitedly. "Delirious!"
A large grin formed on his face.
"I like it." 'Delirious' replied. "I got one for you!!" He yelled excitedly.
"What?!" I asked.

•*~End of flashback~*•
"Hey, are you okay?" Delirious leaned forward as he asked this.
"I'm fine now." I answered, as I gave him a small smile.
He grinned at me, as he pulled me into a hug.
"Time to make a difference." Delirious chuckled.

I walk back over to where the crew was last. They glanced in my direction, then stared at the ground.
"Where is she?" I asked. Everyone shrugged, but Wildcat spoke up.
"She headed to her next class. She went that way." He answered, pointing toward an almost-empty hallway.
Me and Delirious began to walk down the hallway.
I heard a few voices echo down the hall in laughter. As I turned the corner, I stopped dead in my tracks.
It was Nathan's friend. He was flirting with [Y/N].
I heard Delirious let out a growl in his throat, as he met eyes with Caleb. Caleb smirked at us, as he wrapped an arm around [Y/N]'s shoulder.
My hand became a fist.
Caleb bent down to [Y/N]'s height, and pecked her on the cheek.
"UGH!!" I yelled frustratedly, as I stormed off. I'm not sure if Delirious followed me or not.
Today has been a mess.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the update! ^-^
Thank you, my lovely readers~!

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