Chapter 1

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Kali got news that she was to be spending a whole month with her aunt and uncle The Tweedys, (from her mom's side of the family) since Jane was the younger sister of Melisha Tweedy. Kali of course didn't want to go. Kali never liked the Tweedys, just knowing that they were evil. 

Though Kali's relationship with her uncle Willard was a little better then with her aunt Melisha who just despised her. 

"But mom, why do I have to go and they don't?" Kali complained, referring to her younger siblings. 

"I'm sorry honey, but i'm really busy here back at the house, besides you'll have a good time. I hear they run a chicken farm, you like chickens" Jane said. Kali just groaned in response. 

The next morning, time went by fast while Kali was on the airplane and soon she had arrived in Yorkshire, England. As Kali got off the plane her uncle, Willard Tweedy was waiting for her by the gateway. 

"Ah young lass, it's a pleasure to be seeing you again" Mr Tweedy smiled. At least he was sometimes a bit nice to his niece. 

"Yeah, whatever" Kali groaned, already bored. "Where's Mrs Tweedy?". 

"She runs a tight business, don't ya know? Besides we have chickens to watch" Mr Tweedy replied. "Come along then" he told his niece.

It was a quiet, awkward ride to the farm as Kali glanced at Mr Tweedy from time to time, until they arrived at the Tweedy's house. 

Kali glanced over and noticed that the chicken farm looked more like a World War 2 prison camp, in her opinion. As there was a high barbed wire fence and two dogs patrolling the grounds. Plus even though this was modern times now, the Tweedys preferred staying to live in the 1950's, which Kali could clearly tell at the look of the grounds and the house. 

Kali saw her aunt, Melisha Tweedy waiting for them outside on the doorsteps of the house. Kali noticed Mrs Tweedy had her arms crossed and she had that look of revulsion on her face, as she was anything but happy to see her niece again. 

"We're back love" Mr Tweedy replied, while he and Kali got out of the truck. 

"Well I thought this day would never come for me to be seeing you again" Mrs Tweedy replied to Kali while staring at her niece with bitterness. 

"I was just about to say the same for you Aunt Tweedy" Kali grumbled back while glaring a little annoyed at her aunt. 

"From here on out, you are to only call me Mrs Tweedy. Is that clear!" Mrs Tweedy said, as her dark icy eyes slit on Kali. 

Mrs Tweedy then started to inspect the young girl. "Hmm, you're small but you'll do anyway" she said, while eyeing the young girl like a hawk preying on a mouse. 

"And don't expect you can laze about during your stay" Mrs Tweedy added. Kali didn't respond, but her evil aunt never scared her, no matter how hard she tried. 

"I guess i'll be showing ya around the chicken farm" Mr Tweedy spoke up to his tomboy niece. 

Mr Tweedy started showing Kali the ropes around the chicken farm. All of the chickens had just come roaming out from their huts for their afternoon feeding. 

Kali noticed the guard dogs keeping watch at the front of the fence. Kali tried reaching her hand out to pet the dogs but they growled and snapped at her. 

"Better watch it there, they'll bite anyone they don't know" Mr Tweedy told his niece. 

Now all of the chickens were curious as they had never seen Kali before, but they were uneasy of how to approach the girl. Kali groaned as she continued walking alongside the fence. But she noticed this one particular ginger colored hen with a green hat had been gazing at her since she arrived. 

Kali started helping Mr Tweedy by bringing some chicken feed in by a wheel barrel. 

"Make sure ya close the gate, we don't want any chickens escaping now" Mr Tweedy told her. 

Kali did close the gate as she saw the ginger chicken was still gazing at her. It looked like she wanted to go outside the fence. 

"Uh, is this all really necessary for a chicken farm. I mean, why are you guys so concerned of the chickens getting out?" Kali questioned her uncle. 

"I believe they're organized and scheming for a plan to escape I know it, but Mrs Tweedy doesn't listen to me. Theses chickens are feisty, especially that ginger one there" Mr Tweedy replied, pointing out to the ginger colored hen that was looking at Kali curiously. 

Kali smiled and approached Ginger, getting down on one knee to the hen's level and offering her some chicken feed. Ginger slowly backed away looking nervous, as she didn't know how to approach the young girl. 

"It's okay girl, I won't hurt you" Kali said softly, looking into the hen's green eyes. 

Ginger was surprised as she never expected a human to speak to her. The least interaction Ginger got from humans was Mr Tweedy, but he spoke to her like she was garbage, and Mrs Tweedy just ignored the chickens. Ginger accepted the feed from Kali as she started eating right out of the girl's hand. Kali then gave Ginger a pat on the head. 

"That'a girl, you're such a good chicken" Kali smiled to the feisty hen. 

Ginger smiled back. She seemed to felt a connection to Kali, even though she had a distrust for humans. Yet this one was... different.

"Quit messing around!" Mrs Tweedy said to her niece as she entered the pen. The chickens fled in fear, but Ginger stayed near Kali.

"I can't believe you think you can talk to a bunch of stupid birds. Chickens can't be friends with humans!" Mrs Tweedy scowled at her niece. 

Kali glared back, knowing her aunt was wrong when she said that.

"So, don't you have names for them?" Kali asked about the chickens, still looking down at Ginger. 

"Nope, just numbers" Mr Tweedy replied. "I don't think I like that" Kali said. 

"You'll learn" Mrs Tweedy snapped at her niece, rolling her eyes. 

"Okay that's enough for now, follow me inside" Mrs Tweedy told her niece. 

Mrs Tweedy brought Kali into the house. "Your room's upstairs, dinner is at six, and don't touch anything" Mrs Tweedy said, talking to her niece like she was worthless. 

Kali made her way up to the guest room. It was dank and dusty along with a few bugs, but Kali made the best of it. Despite her aunt and uncle's room was right down the hallway and that her uncle snored in his sleep. 

The tomboy sighed as she threw her backpack down and sat on the hard bed, trying to get settled in. She looked out the window to the chicken farm wondering why she was really here.

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