Chapter 7

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Kali woke up the next morning and headed down stairs, to eat breakfast. She was a little shocked when she found her aunt was up as well. 

"What are you doing up so earlier?" Mrs Tweedy asked her niece suspiciously. 

"Just preparing for the day, checking on the chickens" Kali replied, a little nervous. 

"Very well then, roll call starts at eight" Mrs Tweedy reminded her. 

Kali sighed in relief once she got outside to the huts, to find the chickens gathered with commotion. Kali was a little surprise to see Bunty had been loaded up onto a cart while being pulled back like a slingshot launcher. 

"What the heck is going on here?" Kali asked, as she came over to Ginger and Nobby's side. 

"Mr Rhodes is giving us a trust demonstration" Ginger explained. 

"I wanted to volunteer, but Ginger wouldn't let me" Nobby pouted, crossing his wings. 

"And for that i'm glad" Ginger told her little brother.  

Kali noticed the rats were back, watching over by the sidelines. 

"The tension's killing me" Fetcher called out. 

"It's gonna kill her" Nick added, as they both started laughing. This made Bunty nervous. 

"Release!" Rocky instructed, and Bunty shot past the other chickens and zoomed down the runway. 

"Come on flap!" Ginger and the other hens started to cheer Bunty on. 

When the cart reached the ropes limit the chickens cheered as Bunty flung across the farm. Which made it look like she was flying, even though Kali knew she wasn't. Everyone cheered but then groaned as Bunty smacked into the fence. She rebounded and landed on the rats, as they all crashed into the chickens sheds. 

"Well that could've gone better" Nobby said, before they heard another crash. 

"Ya think?" Kali said. 

Kali and Ginger turned to Rocky giving him an unamused look. Kali's was more stern.

Just then everyone tensed up as the bells rang for role-call. Nobby came close to Ginger, seeming scared. Babs then came over to Ginger looking worried. 

"I haven't laid any eggs. Three days and not one, oh no!" Babs continued to fret. 

"Why didn't you tell us Babs?" Ginger asked, looking worriedly at the stout hen. 

"I've been so busy with the flying" Babs replied. 

"No time for that now, they're coming" Kali told the hens. 

Rocky hid while Kali and the chickens assembled into rows. 

Babs grew extremely nervous when Mrs Tweedy came in. Babs started trembling and fidgeting with her fingers as Mrs Tweedy came closer to her. Ginger tried to reinsure Babs by holding her wing. 

Mrs Tweedy then came up over to Babs with a tape measure, which Kali and Ginger found surprising to see that Mrs Tweedy started measuring the chickens instead of counting eggs. 

"That's odd?" Kali and Ginger both thought to themselves.

"Double their food rations Mr Tweedy, I want them all as fat as this one" Mrs Tweedy proclaimed. 

After Mrs Tweedy left Babs nearly fainted, but Ginger caught her. 

"You okay Babs?" Kali and Nobby asked. 

"All me life flashed before me eyes... it was really boring" Babs said. 

Mr Tweedy then filled the chicken tub with extra food, sending all of the hens into an eating frenzy. But Kali and Ginger knew something was wrong. Ginger tried to call the chickens attention but they were to busy stuffing their faces with food. Kali and Ginger finally decide to lift the food tub over. 

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