Chapter 9

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The next morning, Kali had a strange feeling as she headed straight out to the chicken coops. 

She found all the chickens gathered together outside, eager to see Rocky fly. Kali saw that Ginger had even placed the poster of Rocky on the side of the hut. Nobby was with her. 

Kali felt agitated as she approached Ginger, knowing that the feisty hen despised lying. Ginger heard footsteps behind her and turned to see the human she had closely bonded with. 

"Hi Kali" Nobby said as he came up to the human girl. "Morning Kali" Ginger smiled to the girl. 

"Uh.. hi Ginger..." Kali greeted nervously. 

"Today's the day girls we're going to fly, I can feel it" Ginger exhilarated while all the chickens cheered with excitement. 

"This is going to be awesome!" Nobby said in excitement. 

"Finally we get to see a real professional in action" Bunty added. 

Kali was starting to feel overwrought as Ginger's relationship with her had really grown over the past few weeks. And Kali saw how much Ginger really trusted her, despite being a human.

"Better start warming up" Ginger told the hens. "I'll go and get him". 

Kali followed Ginger to Fowler's hut, but when they entered Rocky was nowhere in sight. 

"Uh Ginger you know the old saying "things are not what they appear to be" Kali said, trying to explain the truth about Rocky's flying technique. 

But Ginger ignored her and continued searching around the hut. Kali had a certain feeling that Rocky was gone. 

Kali and Ginger then noticed something on the bed, it was Fowler's medal. The two also looked over to see a piece of paper folded up, Kali had a sinking feeling what it was. Ginger slowly opened the piece of paper and looked at it curiously. It turned out to be the bottom half of Rocky's poster. Ginger soon realized something as she noticed what was on the poster. 

Ginger slowly walked outside and up to the hut where the rest of Rocky's poster was hanging, Kali quietly followed. Much to the other chickens confusion, Ginger placed the bottom half to the rest of the poster. Everyone stood silent in shock as the poster relived Rocky being shot out of a cannon. 

It started to rain as Ginger and the rest of the flock realized the truth, Rocky was a fake this whole time. Kali looked over to the fence and noticed that a hole was dug and a spoon was left there, realizing Rocky had abandoned the hens and left the farm. 

"Oh a cannon, aye that would give us thrust" said Mac. 

"I don't get it, Rocky couldn't fly this whole time?" Nobby asked, in shock.

"I knew he was a fake all along, in fact i'm not even certain he was american" Bunty brutally added. 

"And thus the truth has finally been revealed" Kali said dramatically, like in one of those Shakespeare plays. 

"Why does it always rain when things go wrong?" Nobby asked.

"So, what's the next plan Ginger?..." Mac asked. 

"Yeah sis, what are we going to do now?" added Nobby. 

Kali and the whole flock turned to their leader, but Ginger's hopes have dashed. 

"Lets face it, the only way out of here is wrapped in pastry" Ginger sighed in depress. 

"No" Nobby sighed. 

Kali sat down next to the downhearted hen. 

"We might as well accept our fate" Ginger sighed with her head down, as she had completely lost all her hope. 

Kali and the Chicken RunWhere stories live. Discover now