Chapter 8

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Kali, Ginger, Nobby, and the rest of the chickens gathered outside by the fence, as the noise was coming from inside the barn and the dogs barked. 

"What do you think it is?" Ginger asked the eight-year-old girl. 

"Probably that big wacky machine they just got" Kali guessed. 

"I'm scared Ginger" Nobby said while clutching onto his sister close.

"Wait a minute, didn't your aunt say she'd be using that thing to make money off of us? What do you think she meant by that?" Ginger asked Kali once again. 

Kali gasped as she realized whatever that machine did the chickens were heading straight into a deathtrap.

Just then Kali saw Mr Tweedy come outside and open the gate to let the dogs into the chicken pen. Kali gasped as the dogs quickly cornered Ginger, while growling at her. 

Before Ginger could get away, Mr Tweedy snatched her up by the neck. Nobby tried to help his sister, but ended up getting snatched as well.

"I guess we could test it on two" Mr Tweedy looked at Nobby, before he turned to Ginger. "I got a score to settle with you" Mr Tweedy told the feisty hen. 

"Hey, what are you doing with Ginger and Nobby!?" Kali said, as she quickly got angry with her uncle. 

"Mrs Tweedy needs a test subject" Mr Tweedy replied, as he narrowed his eyes on his niece. 

"For what?" Kali asked as she followed Mr Tweedy into the barn, while she heard the other chickens scream and panic in the background. 

When Kali got inside the barn her jaw dropped at the sight of a large machine in full operation. 

"What is this?" Kali asked. 

"It's a pie machine, you dolt" said Mrs Tweedy said to her niece. 

Kali watched as Mr Tweedy strapped Ginger and Nobby by their feet onto a conveyor-belt. 

"Hey let them go!" Kali yelled, as she tried to free the two chickens from her uncle's grasp. 

Before suddenly, Mrs Tweedy grabbed Kali and slapped her across the face, leaving a red mark, but Kali didn't cry. 

"Do you want to be turned into a pie as well!" Mrs Tweedy threatened, glaring at her niece. 

Kali was filled with anger as she fearfully stared into her aunts dark, evil eyes, but didn't respond. Kali watched helplessly as Ginger and Nobby dangled by their feet from the conveyor-belt, while Mr Tweedy turned on the machine. 

"Chickens go in, pies come out" he said. 

"Chicken pies?! That's just sick!" Kali said in disgust.

Kali waited until after the Tweedys left the barn for a minute, she then ran over to the control panel. 

"Kali!?" Ginger and Nobby gasped. 

"I'll get you guys out of here!" Kali said as she started scanning the panel for an off-switch. 

"Please hurry!" Nobby pleaded.

Kali, Ginger, and Nobby all gasped once they saw that the conveyor-belt ended by dropping the chickens straight into the machine. Kali desperately started pushing random buttons, trying to free the chickens. 

"Stupid machine, how do you even work this piece of junk?!" Kali gritted her teeth and yelled. 

"Oh great, brilliant!" Ginger added. 

"What are we going to do?" Nobby asked desperately.

"Yo, babydoll!" Kali, Ginger, and Nobby heard Rocky call out as he appeared. 

Kali and the Chicken RunWhere stories live. Discover now