Chapter 2

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That night, Kali had some canned food for dinner and got ready for bed. Just as Kali was heading upstairs she noticed Mr Tweedy going outside with a flashlight. 

"Where's he going?" Kali asked Mrs Tweedy. 

"He's patrolling around the fence so the chickens won't escape, ya twit" Mrs Tweedy replied to her niece like she was an idiot. 

"Uh... is that really necessary? I don't think the chickens like it in there" Kali told her evil aunt. 

"What do you know?! You're just a kid and they're just a bunch of stupid birds! Put on this earth for two purposes: lay eggs, and when they don't, food" Mrs Tweedy snapped at her niece. 

"I'll need you to do some chores tomorrow and for the rest of the month with the chickens. Now go to bed!" Mrs Tweedy ordered, yelling at her niece. 

Kali did as she was told and went off to bed. But she couldn't get the thoughts out of her mind about those poor chickens. 

Kali then heard noises outside. Curious, she looked out the window to see her uncle patrolling along the fence with the dogs. Kali then noticed Ginger digging a hole under the fence with a spoon, it looked like she was trying to escape. 

Kali watched as Ginger had made it through the fence but then quickly saw the other chickens appear out of the shadows, trying to follow her out, but the biggest hen appeared to be stuck. 

While creating too much noise trying to squeeze through the fence, it caught the guard dogs attention. 

Luckily Ginger pushed the other chickens to safety on the other side of the fence, but now the guard dogs were chasing Ginger. 

"Oh no!" Kali said to herself, as she quickly put on her night robe and rushed downstairs to make sure poor Ginger wasn't hurt by the dogs. 

Just as Kali came downstairs to the front door, Mrs Tweedy was also up after hearing the commotion outside. She opened the door reliving herself to Ginger and the others, they gasped as Mrs Tweedy always struck fear into the chickens, even Ginger herself. Kali was relieved though that Ginger wasn't hurt. 

"Mr Tweedy" Mrs Tweedy said with her hands on her hips, looking rather upset. "What is that chicken doing outside the fence?" 

"Oh, uh, I don't know-" Mr Tweedy tried to explain while picking up Ginger by the neck. 

"Just deal with it, now!" Mrs Tweedy snapped before slamming the door shut and heading back upstairs to bed. 

Kali peered her head out the door and watched Mr Tweedy throw Ginger into the coal bin, what the Tweedy's called solitary confinement for the chickens. 

"I'll teach you to make a fool of me" Mr Tweedy said to Ginger, as he slammed the door closed. 

"Is that really necessary uncle? I think your'e being a little harsh, after all she's just a chicken" Kali said, trying to defend poor Ginger. 

"She needs to learn that if she tries to escape she'll be thrown in here again" Mr Tweedy replied, before he went over to the fence where a small group of chickens were there that had witnessed the whole thing. 

"Now let that be a lesson to the last of ya, no chicken escapes from Tweedy's farm!" Mr Tweedy shouted at them, before heading back inside ordering Kali to bed. 

"What have I gotten myself into" Kali sighed to herself as she realized that something crazy was going to happen to her on that chicken farm. Kali felt sorry for Ginger but tried to get some sleep. 

For a whole week Kali helped out with the farm chores, by mainly feeding the chickens and collecting their eggs. 

"So what exactly am I supposed to do?" Kali asked Mr Tweedy. 

"You collect the eggs and mark'em off the checklist, if there aren't any eggs produced we know that chicken won't lay anymore" Mr Tweedy explained. 

"Then what happens to that chicken that doesn't lay anymore?" Kali asked. 

"You'll see at roll call" Mr Tweedy only said. 

Kali would continue her weekly chores, but she would also notice Ginger would watch her from time to time. Sometimes she would even follow Kali around. Ginger quickly became Kali's favorite chicken out of the flock. 

Also every night Kali would watch from her window as the chickens would try to escape. One time they even dressed up as Mrs Tweedy, trying to foil the guard dogs (it didn't work). 

Kali felt sorry for Ginger, seeming to be the only one to get caught and put into solitary confinement. As Kali thought this whole chicken farm was more like animal abuse. But Kali knew that wasn't gonna stop Ginger's determination to escape, no matter how many times she was thrown into solitary confinement. 

And lucky for Ginger, Kali would make sure she was fed and let her out early without the Tweedy's knowing. 

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