Chapter 10

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A few tears escaped from Kali's blue eyes as the plane was about to reach the takeoff ramp. 

Suddenly everyone gasped when Mr Tweedy jumped out and kicked the ramp down. 

"Gotcha!" he said at the chickens. 

But Kali knew the chickens weren't gonna give up that easy as the plane sharply turned right and around, hitting Mr Tweedy in the head knocking him out.  

Kali soon saw Ginger jump off the plane and run towards the ramp. Ginger was by herself, trying desperately with all her strength to lift the ramp back up. 

Kali figured she should help, despite what Ginger said to her earlier. When suddenly Kali heard a familiar voice as well as a shadow behind her. 

"Where are the chickens" Kali froze in fear and turned to see her aunt Tweedy with a hatchet. 

Mrs Tweedy was enraged to discover her niece had been helping the chickens to escape. But Mrs Tweedy wasn't about to let some chickens and a little girl ruin her fortune. 

"You always were a sneaky little brat!" Mrs Tweedy growled as she struck Kali, nearly knocking the young girl out cold. 

Kali groaned in pain as she weakly lifted up her head and opened her eyes to see Mrs Tweedy loomed over Ginger with her hatchet.

"Put the ramp down!" Mrs Tweedy said as she slammed the ax down, just barely missing Ginger. Which scared Ginger to death, as well as Kali. 

"You are going to be a pie!" Mrs Tweedy snarled at the feisty hen. 

Just before Mrs Tweedy could swing her ax at Ginger again they heard a shout.   

"Leave her alone you monster!" 

Ginger turned to see Kali charging at Mrs Tweedy, knocking her to the ground. 

Despite that she had just been struck down hard by Mrs Tweedy, Kali's compassion for Ginger was strong enough for her to get back up and save her only friend. 

"I won't let you hurt her!" Kali growled at Mrs Tweedy, fighting back as she had enough being pushed around by her evil aunt. 

Ginger was a bit surprised to see that Kali was protecting her, after what she said to her and nearly left the poor girl behind. 

"Get off me, you wretched brat!" Mrs Tweedy growled before she pushed Kali down on the ground next to Ginger.

"I should've dealed with you when I had the chance, but now you're both going to be pies!" Mrs Tweedy threatened the two friends.

Just when Ginger and Kali thought they were done for they heard another loud shout, which distracted Mrs Tweedy. They all looked up to see this time it was no other than Rocky.

"Ginger!" Rocky shouted as he flew over the fence on a tricycle. 

"Rocky!" Ginger and Kali both cried out with joy. 

He smiled and waved at them before slamming into Mrs Tweedy, knocking her to the ground. The ax went flying and landed just inches away from Mrs Tweedy's neck causing her to faint. 

"Now that's what I call an entrance" Kali commented. Rocky smiled to Kali's comment. 

"Rocky you came back!" Kali then said. She had a feeling he'd return. 

"Hey, I figured there's more to life then just being a lone free ranger" Rocky replied as he looked over at Ginger. The two chickens gazed at each other and Kali smiled to this. 

Until all three suddenly gasped when they heard Fowler shout "Look out, secure the runway!". 

Kali and the two chickens quickly came over to the ramp. 

Kali and the Chicken RunWhere stories live. Discover now