Chapter 4

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That night Kali ate some canned beans for dinner again. She didn't even dare think about eating the chicken her aunt and uncle offered, which were the remains of Edwina. 

While Kali was getting ready for bed she noticed two rats scurry out of the Tweedy's room, with some human materials. The adventure girl had a feeling something was up, so she put on her jacket and followed the rats outside. 

When she snuck downstairs, Kali could hear her aunt muttering on her calculator in the other room, then complaining about the chickens. 

"D'oh! Stupid worthless creatures! I'm sick and tired of making minuscule profits!" Mrs Tweedy said in frustration.

When Kali got outside and headed to the chicken coops she saw some chickens wearing ski masks, quietly darting across the yard to Hut 17. "What's going on?" the young girl thought to herself. 

Kali then spotted the two rats go behind the hut. Kali also hid behind a hut as she heard the guard dogs barking in the distance, while her uncle peeped out the window. 

Kali came around the corner to find Ginger with the two rats. 

"Oh, it's you again" Ginger feelt relieved when she saw Kali. 

The rats gasped though when they saw the human girl. "Our cover has been blown!" the smaller rat cried out. 

"Relax you two, she's my friend" Ginger told the two barn rats. "A much better friend than you two". 

"A pleasure to make your acquaintance miss" the larger rat greeted Kali, before handing Ginger back a bag of chicken feed. "After you Fetcher" he turned to the smaller rat. 

"After I what?" Fetcher asked after a long pause. "Move!" he barked as the rats left. 

"What was that all about?" Kali asked, turning to Ginger. 

"That was Nick and Fetcher" Ginger replied. 

"They get things for us to help out with our escape plans, but they haven't been much help lately. They won't get us what we need unless we pay them with our eggs" The feisty hen explained. 

Kali took a look at the list of items the chickens needed. "Hey, I know what this stuff is. I bet I can get you these things" she said. 

"Really?" Ginger said as her green eyes lit up with hope. 

"Sure" Kali smiled. "I have a backpack full of all sorts of supplies". 

"Thank you" Ginger smiled up at the human girl. "You're a lifesaver".

"No problem" Kali simply shrugged her shoulders. 

The two then heard a cracking noise. "What was that?" Kali asked, turning around. 

Ginger came around the hut to find Nobby spying on them. 

"What are you doing out here!?" Ginger groused at her little brother. 

"I just wanted to see if I could help with escape plans" Nobby said, smiling sheepishly.

"Well you would be help to me if you stayed out of trouble and inside the hut where it's safe" Ginger scolded her little brother, but only because she loved him and didn't want to lose the only family she had left.  

"Hi Nobby" Kali smiled as she patted the little rooster on the head. "It's good to see you again".  

"Hi Kali" Nobby smiled back, happy to see her again. "I'm sure glad you're here".

"Alright now, back inside" Ginger told her brother. "We got a meeting to attend to".

"Mind if I watch?" Kali asked. 

Kali and the Chicken RunWhere stories live. Discover now