Chapter 3

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After about a week of Ginger being put into solitary confinement, Kali got up early that morning, got dressed and ate breakfast. 

"Oh good you're up" Mrs Tweedy saw her niece come downstairs into the kitchen. "We'll need your help with roll call today". 

"What's roll call anyway?" Kali asked. 

"Let me make this short for you" Mrs Tweedy told her niece. "The chicken lay eggs and if they don't we kill'em for food". Kali gasped and gulped in response. 

"Now get out there and get the chickens ready!" Mrs Tweedy ordered. "We'll be out in a few minutes". 

As Kali headed outside, she first went to go get Ginger out of solitary confinement. She could hear the hen bouncing a ball off the side of the coal bin out of boredom. Kali opened the hatch door to let her out, Ginger hesitated at first. 

"Don't worry Ginger, it's not the mean old doofus" Kali said softly. 

Knowing that it was Kali's voice and that Ginger felt protected by her, she decided it was safe to come out. 

Ginger wondered if she should say something and risk the secret. Ginger was wary, but could she really trust this human? Without warning, Ginger spoke to the girl. 

"Thank you" Kali heard Ginger respond as they headed back into the fenced area of the farm. 

"It's my pleasure" Kali replied. 

Ginger was surprised Kali didn't freak out over her, as a talking chicken was a little out of the ordinary. 

"You can understand me?" Ginger finally asked the human girl, being a tad skittish. 

"It's a long story" The human girl replied. "I can talk to animals like my friends Dr Doolittle and Eliza Thornberry". 

"I don't know who they are, but they sound interesting" said Ginger. 

"I never knew chickens could talk on their own" Kali looked to the ginger colored hen. 

"You won't tell the farmers?" Ginger asked a little nervous, wondering if she could trust this girl considering she was a relative of the Tweedys. 

"It's okay, your secret's safe with me" Kali said softly, while she patted Ginger on the head. 

"Thanks" Ginger smiled, having made a new friend. 

"So uh, how did you end up on the Tweedy's farm in the first place?" Kali asked curiously, wanting to know more about Ginger's history. Ginger's smile immediately turned into a frown, but she figured she could trust Kali enough to tell her. 

"I've lived here for as long as I can remember" Ginger started. 

"I was born here, but my mother was killed when I was still a chick because she couldn't lay any more eggs. Fowler has raised me ever since. And my little brother Nobby, he's all I got left" The hen said sadly with her head down. 

"Oh... i'm so sorry" Kali frowned, feeling it was her fault for making Ginger sad after asking that question. 

"It's okay" Ginger forced a smile. "This is all I have left of her" Ginger showed Kali the bandanna around her neck, which originally belonged to her mother. 

"So, I guess your'e called Ginger due to the color of your feathers" Kali said. 

"Yes, my mother gave me that name" Ginger said, still feeling a little sad when she mentioned her mother. 

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