I Have Never Known

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At least I wrote out my will out a long time ago. Because I thought my mom might just kill me. She was pissed. Of course, I don't blame her. But I'm terrified of her.

"You had kids?" My mother raised her voice in a manner I didn't like. "And we didn't know about it!?"

I jumped where I was standing and became a mess.

"I didn't know, either!" I insisted. "Rachel said I had a visitor and Hannah showed up with two kids and said they were mine. Wanted me to have one of them. I didn't... I swear that I didn't know, Mom. You know me, you know how you raised me. If I would've known, I would've told you about it right away. But we don't exactly have phones here and it was late and I had a panic attack about telling you anyways. It was a rough day. I just..."

I ran out of crap to say.

Also, I felt like I was about to have another freaking panic attack and my breathing was getting out of control and I didn't like it.

"Hey, hey," Mom cut in as she knew I wasn't lying. I was still kind of freaking out about the entire thing. "Calm down, Percy. It's okay, just breathe. If you didn't know, if it was an accident, I can't blame you. I didn't plan on having twins, I only planned on having you. That sort of stuff happens, okay? Just breathe. One panic attack in enough for a summer."

Mom started to my back in an attempt to calm me down. That was something she would always do as a child when I'd come home and I had a bad day. Maybe kids beat me up, maybe a teacher chewed me out for something I didn't do, or maybe it was just bad. It was a soothing thing.

And it worked. I calmed down enough so I could breathe normally and think again.

We headed back to where everyone was, and Paul could care less. If you can't tell, he sort of goes with everything. He was playing with both Patrick and Paris and he seemed so happy.

"What are you doing?" Mom asked her husband as he played with both of them in the sandbox.

"Playing." Paul told her as if he does it all the time. "I love these kids, Sally. This was the best unplanned thing to ever happen to this family."

Given two hours, Mom and Paul left the camp. Hannah took Paris somewhere. But it was lunchtime. Grover was gone for a meeting. So it's three of us. Peter, Patrick, and I.

"Wait," Peter started. "If they're your kids... Are you two a thing?"

"No!" I insisted right away. "We were a few years ago. We were in the same class and I was in denial about a lot of stuff. So I said sure, I'll go out with her and we had sex once. I don't remember any of it because I was tricked into drinking and for wasted. But she moved and apparently found out like not long after she moved. We were broken up. It was... I found out yesterday."

It was silent for a moment and I recalled what Paul said.

"What did you get in trouble for?"

"Oh yeah!" He perked up and got the smirk we both got from our dad. "it's stupid, to be honest. There was a fight where I went to school, we'd get out today. Our school goes late. But there was a huge fight and you know, I figured I'd break it up. I'm a black belt in Taekwondo, I know this. So I broke it up and in order for the one dude not to like kill me or choke me, I had to knock his jaw out of place and break his wrist. He didn't give me a choice. So... Paul isn't happy about it."

Shaking my head, I agreed with that, giving Patrick what I had cut up for him. I'd have to lay him down for a nap. He was looking tired. Patrick was. Not Peter.

"Wow." I remarked. "Thank gods he wasn't around when I was kid. I did worse than that. I once had a guy hospitalized for a week because he wouldn't leave a friend of mine alone. I didn't have to go to court. Just do all of his school work that he missed. I failed him. He had all D's anyways. Don't worry, though. Paul is actually nice. He's just a teacher so... We didn't get along at first, either. Me and teachers don't end well..."

You don't want a list, do you?

Either way, you won't get one. Lunch went by fast, which meant I had to get Peter through orientation.

Before I even asked, Nico offered to take Patrick while I did that. And, as always, you start off talking with Chiron and Mr. D. As Grover was there when I did this, I was there while they explained this to Peter.

"So I'm..." Peter started off and glanced at me. "We're half god?"

"Yes, that's exactly so." Chiron agreed to his figuring of all of this.

"Okay." He went with it. "I mean, it's not like I've ever met my real dad. So I can't totally deny that. Would you have any idea who my dad is?"

"Peter might."

I groaned.

"You can't do that anymore, Mr. D.," I told the god. "There's an actual Peter here now. There's a Patrick, room so you can't do that either. And it would be Poseidon. You get your own room."

"Are you sure, Percy?" Chiron questioned, seeming unsure that we were related despite actually being identical. His hair is dyed and he has piercings, but aside that there's not much of a difference. He's smaller in like muscle, but I'm also here all the time. "He hasn't been claimed."

"You can take my word and my mother's word, Chiron," I assured him. "We're identical twins. He just never lived at home. He's Poseidon's kid."

"Why don't you just call him dad?" Peter asked me.

"You'll found out."

Because Poseidon was planning on visiting today. All gods would over the summer. Supposed to connect with their kids and all this bullshit.

Nobody cared that much. Trust me.

We got Peter through orientation and he unpacked his stuff in a room of his own at our cabin. And of course, he thought there'd be a ton of people. That's how orientation makes it sound. Like you'll have a ton of siblings and it's great and then the cabin is empty. With three occupied rooms. One of which was Tyson's and just hasn't been cleaned out. That's another reason Poseidon was visiting now. To get Tyson's stuff.

"Who's in here?" My twin brother asked me, finding Tyson's room and I stopped for a moment. I haven't been in his room since I found out he was dead. I kept the door closed. I couldn't handle it.

"He, uh..." I started off. "His name was Tyson. He was our half brother."


"He was found dead," I filled him in," about... Oh, 3 days ago?"

"Oh my gods, I didn't..." He started off, now feeling bad for asking about it. Which, I get that. It happens. I didn't care. "I'm sorry. I didn't think he'd be like... Dead."

"No, it's fine." I promised him. "Come here. I'll show you something."

We walked into my room. I kept a list of demigods that's have walked in this camp that I have met. That I knew. And it was a long list.

"What's this?"

I handed.him the paper. The people whose names were highlighted were dead. ⅔ of the list was highlighted.

"A list of people that have walked into this place that I knew personally." I explained to him. "2005 to now. Everyone that's highlighted is everyone that has died. I'm used to it, Peter. People won't get heartbroken because someone dies anymore. We've become so used to it that you might feel down for a few days and then you're back at it again. It's been that's way for almost 2 years."

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