Ch 18: nope!!!

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The game loads up with a few pixels, it starts to form a picture, then turns into a massive forest surrounding us.

"I'm going to cum so hard!" I exclaim, pumping my fists into the air,
"Me too!!" Elli raises her hand high, then lowers it slightly, "wait...where are we going?" She puts her hand down
" well, you see Elli-" I start, but got lashed on the back by Franki's whip,
"Shut it boy"

"Alright kids, I've updated the system" Naomi starts,
"Kids?!" Elli and I shout at the same time, Naomi shoots us a glare.
"There's still a few bugs, but I can fix them when I find them" she finishes,
"Are they going to affect the game?" Kali stomps over, making sure her footsteps are heard.
"Probably not, they're pretty easy to kill" Naomi reaches into her pocket and pulls out little ear buds, "use these to keep in contact"
"What?" I hold my hand out as she places one in my palm. "We normally stick together" I look at the small ear piece.
"Bugs Eli" Noami looks at me, still no emotion to her facial expression,
"Right, bugs" I shove the small device in my ear and wiggle it around till it's comfortable
"They're just like tampons" Becki giggles, fingering her ear
"What's a tampon?" Elli waddles up to the sex addict,
"It's to stop the bleeding" Becki notifies Elli, patting her on the head.
"Like a plaster?" Elli taps her finger on her chin, I sigh and slap my hand on my forehead.
"Kali and Elli will head left, Becki, Mei and-" I cut Franki off with a hand up, she sighs loudly "Elijah, what is it?" She asks through gritted teeth
"Why is Elli with Kali?" I ask, putting my hand back down.
"Kali is more than capable of looking after Elli" franks folds her arms under her boobs, pushing them up.
"You sure? Cause she's not capable of looking after me that well" I try not to look at the very masculine female.
"What's one thing you and Kali have in common?" Franki slanders up to me,
"Nothing?" I raise my shoulders, causing me to shrug
"Lack of brain, but she's stronger than you" Franki pokes my chest, "who knows? these bugs could attack Elli and seriously hurt her"
I swallow hard and nod a little, I can't handle that kind of pressure.

Franki turns her back to me and continues where she left off "Naomi and Vicki can go right" the two nod and high five each other. "Becki, Mei and I will fly above" she finishes and pulls out her wings,
"Wait!" I call, "what about me?" I ask, gripping my chainsaw,
"That's right, you, Tobias and Patti can go straight" she leaps into the sky, "the barn is our aim" she calls out before taking off and leaving us in the dust.
"Awesome" sarcasm drips from my words "I'm stuck with the dog" I sigh and swing my chainsaw over my shoulder
"I'm here too" Tobias speaks up
"Patti, how could those guys leave us alone, defenceless and lonely" I purposely ignore Tobias
"Bro?" Tobias attempts to get my attention again,
"Can you not?" I turn to him, swinging my chainsaw off my shoulder and point it at his neck "don't 'bro' me. I'm not your bro, dude, man, bruh. Etcetera, etcetera. Got it?"
He nods slowly, "I was just thinking we could use this time to become friends?" He raises an eyebrow, as if it was an actual question. I take a deep breath in and pinch the bridge of my nose
"I was doing just fine before you came along" I talk under my breath. "I had the perfect harem of all different woman" I turn my chainsaw on and get it warmed up. "I didn't ask for a guy, I didn't ask for anyone else. I didn't ask for my life to be ruined!" I shout lifting the chainsaw, then dropping it, cutting Tobias clean in half.
"We can do without another inconvenience" I turn the chainsaw back off.

After a while of Patti and I wandering towards the centre map, we start hearing groans. "Shh Patti" I put my hand out to signify that I can sense danger, she looks at me and cocks her head to the side. "I said be quiet" I put my hand on her head. "You hear that?" I ask, pointing to a shadow in the distance. Patti barks and runs towards the dark figure, "bitch this is my kill" I run after her.
She stops suddenly, I couldn't stop as quickly and trip over her, landing face first into leaves and dirt. "Thanks bitch" I pick myself up, Patti starts whining and shaking. "What is up with you?" I pull myself off the ground and dust myself off.
I them notice the figure coming towards us,
"Oh fuck no!" I shout,
"What?" Naomi speaks through the small device in my ear,
"Fucking giant spiders? What the actual fuck bitch!!" I start to walk backwards
"I told you there might be bugs asshat" she doesn't sound fazed.
"Nope. Nope nope nope" I raise my hands. Turning the simulation off,
I stomp out of the room. The girls complaining about my decision
"What the fuck cum-guzzler" Naomi hits me over the head. Which is a surprise for her height, "why the fuck would you do that?" She follows me to the kitchen,
"I am not, and I repeat not fighting giant fucking spiders" I open the fridge and grab the carton of apple juice, 
"I said there'd be bugs" she looks angry, the only emotion that she can make look real.

"I wasn't expecting big fuck off spiders!!"

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