Chapter 1- The Secrets

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Thunderstorm P.O.V

I were just sitting on my table, doing nothing while waiting for teacher to come in. Damn... Is our class THIS noisy? Did Yaya even take care of the class? Where is she? To the toilet? To the galaxy? To the rainbow?

Suddenly... All of my four friends, of course, Yaya, Ying, Gopal and Fang come to my table and just stare at my cap. Is there anything on my cap? If there's nothing, then why on earth they were staring on it like there's some sort of giant paintbrush on it?! //Calm Down There Buddy//

"What are you staring at?" I asked coldly while glaring at them. They seems scared but I don't give a fuck about it. Just tell me what's wrong god damn it! //You're So Gonna Die//

"Thunderstorm... We always wanted to asked... Why did you and the others always wearing a cap and never take it off?" Asked Yaya and the whole class when completely silent and they were just stared at me like I was some sort of murderer or something

I think for a moment... I didn't know about it either. Wait... How come I don't even know about why I wear a cap?! And how the hell I didn't even though about this questions either?! How???

"To be honest... I have no clue..." I said and they just stared at me again with a shocked face like what the fuck is your problem?! I don't even know so don't give me that look!

Suddenly... Someone shout "ONE ANGEL JUST PASSED BY!!!" And everyone laugh and the class went noisy again and behold... Papa Zola walked in with his extra long rotan and for the god sake we are doomed

And... At the end of the day, everyone gets a detentions from him like what the hell did I do??? ಥ_ಥ

Normal P.O.V

Everyone were just sitting at Tok Aba Kokotiam and do their homework. Earthquake is on the shift since Tok Aba and Ochobot gone to a vacations and leave him in charge

"Hey Boboiboy... Since you all are here now, we wanted to ask. Why did you guys always wears a cap?" Asked Yaya starting a new conversation

"Yeah... I always wanted to know that. So... Please answer it" Ying said supporting Yaya. And everyone look at the Boboiboy Siblings

"To be honest... I didn't know about it either"-Cyclone

"Me to"-Blaze

"Me three!"-Thorn

"How come you guys didn't know about it?"-Gopal

"We don't know. We just don't know"-Ice

"And what's that supposed to mean?"-Fang

"Why did you guys need to know about it?-???

Everything went silent and they all look at Quake who is frozen. He lower his cap and his eyes were covered by his own cap and he's... Kinda look down

"What's that supposed to mean?"-Solar

"You guys don't need to know about it"-Quake

"Wait, you knew about it?"-Thunderstorm

"No... Yes"-Quake

"Wait, how come you know about it but we didn't?"-Blaze

"You guys don't need to know about it"-Quake

"Then please... Tell us!"-Yaya

"You guys don't even know are you talking about!"-Quake

"Why are you acting weird all sudden?! We were just asking!"-Fang

"I can't let you know and I can't let anyone know!"-Quake


"It's just... Complicated! I do this for your own good!"-Quake

"For our own good? Making you looking​ suspicious is for our own good?! What do you mean by that!?"-Ice

"I can't let you know!"-Quake

"Why can't we know?!"-Thunderstorm

"It's because I need to protect you guys from HIM!!!"-Quake

After Quake said "Him". Everyone went silent and were​ just looking at him weirdly. Quake look down while catching a breath same like everyone

"Quake... What do you mean by 'him'? What are you even talking about?" Asked Blaze and everyone look at him. Quake look very down and he seems... Guilty

"Please... Making me remembered about him making me sick, so don't you dare mentioned about him" Said Quake and started t leave but someone catch his hand

"And don't you dare turn your back on us until you tell us everything you know..." Said Thunderstorm while holding Quake hand so he can stop him from running away

"Listen, you guys don't need to know and you can't know about it... Knowing about him just making you living on a worst nightmare so please... I just wanted protect your memory" Said Quake with a tearing eyes

"How did you even know something that we don't know...?" Asked Ice. Quake went silent... Guilty... Sadness... Went haunting him back and they were just... Frozen at their place

"Quake... We asked you for the last time, how did you-" Before Blaze could say what he wanted to say, he been cut off by Quake with a shocking answer

"It is because I stole the memories from you!!!" Shout Quake front of everyone and made everyone shocked

"You don't know what we've been through at the past... You don't know what our parent's been through... You don't remember any of that because I stole all of our past memories... I've bee lying to you guys all the time because I don't want him restored the memories... So please... Forget all the past because it's nothing but Hell..." Said Quake and he started leave everyone

"And my life, already HELL" Said Quake again before he leave everyone who is completely clueless...

"You don't know... What I been through..."

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