Chapter 8-Lost And The Last Fight

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Warning: Please Prepare Your Tissues!

Normal P.O.V

Quake was standing in front of them. With blood all over his cloth and face, with a sharp earth at his stomach. He... He actually were trying to protect them

"Q-Quake...?" Said Thunderstorm. Quake sit weakly by his knees. Holding the earth and feeling it going through his stomach. The pain is... unbearable...

"Quake? No... Nonononono!" Said Thunderstorm and he sit in front of Quake who is now smiling weakly. Everyone is crying behind those two

"Ha... Haha... D-do you get it by what I mean by 'Hell'?" Said Quake and everyone nod. They should have known it... They should have known by what he mean!

"Quake... Please... Oh god, no..." Said Thorn while crying. Everyone is crying... They know, Quake has no much time left. He... He just hasn't have much time left...

Thunderstorm pulled Quake and hug him. Quake couldn't reply the hug because he was to weak. All of his sibling's hug him while crying

"We're so sorry Quake! We're so sorry! We... We shouldn't treat you that way! We're so so sorry!" Said Thunderstorm again and Quake just laugh a little

"No... *Cough* this isn't happening because what you've done... It is because my selfishness... I... I'm the one who should say sorry... *Cough* I should have told you long ago... I... *Cough* I though I could end this on my own... But I was wrong... Hehe... *Cough* please... F-forgive me... For everything..." Said Quake before he taking his last breath and passed out

Quake body turn into a light, and that light turn into a sparkle and it fly away... Leaving his cloth and cap there

"No... No... Nonononono! Please... God please! Please no! God, no! Please no!" Shout Cyclone while crying and Blaze hug him to calm him down

"No! My brother! My little brother! No! Why?!" Shout Cyclone again. Everyone completely regret about what they have done to Quake

Everything went silent... Completely silent for a moment...

"You..." Said Thunderstorm. He stand up and looking at Dr.G with a glowing red eyes. All of his brothers stand up and look at Dr.G with glowing eyes to with full of anger

"WHAT HAVE YOU'VE DONE TO MY BROTHER?!?!" Said Thunderstorm. Meanwhile... All of his friends couldn't do anything. They understand their pain to lost someone they love

Everyone summon their weapon. But this time, it's mega... It's powerful than before

"We will take our revenge! To our late brother! And we will made you regret for ever messing with one of us!" Said Thunderstorm and he run faster than before toward Dr.G

"Hmm... Interesting... " Said Dr.G and suddenly, there's so many robots were standing right behind him. Holding a weapon to

"Minions! Attack!" Shout Dr.G and all of his robots begin to attack. But none of them get hit but instead the robots

"This for our brother!" Shout Thunderstorm and he slash the robots using his thunder blades. They robots teared into some part and finally explode

"This for abusing us!" Shout Cyclone and he throw tons of cyclone Spears to some robots and the robots ends up explode. "20 down... 100 to go..." Said Cyclone with a smile full of revenge

"This for killing our parents!" Shout Blaze and he slash tons of robots and the robots ends up explode like the other robots to

The fight went epic because Dr.G kept calling new and stronger robots. Meanwhile... Ochobot and the others are worried about them...

"Oh no... If this situation kept going, Boboiboy's gonna be weak because they push themselves over their limits... And maybe they're gonna faint because of it" Said Ochobot and the others just looking at him

"Oh god" Said Yaya. She can't do anything at all... Like the others. All she can do is watch them getting weak

"Take this! Hiyargh! Hiyargh!" Shout Thunderstorm and throw some blades at some robots. They hit the electric​ shocked and finally explode

"Urgh..." Groan Cyclone. He's getting weaker and weaker. But he can't stop until all the robots are broken and he wanted to kill Dr.G so badly

"Urgh..." After a long fight. They finally half fainted at their place. Can't wake up because they're​ still weak. They just lay down weakly at their place where they were standing

"Haha! I though you are stronger than that!" Said Dr.G while kicking Thunderstorm. His friends couldn't do anything because they can't move for some reason

"Say goodbye... Thunderstorm!" Said Dr.G and just about to stab Thunderstorm but some kind of glowing hand stopped him from do that

"Messing with the wrong family, aren't cha?" Said the one who stopped Dr.G from doing what he's wanna do with a smile

"Q-Quake...?" Said Thunderstorm weakly. Couldn't believe what he was seeing right now. Quake... Quake was standing in front of him!

"Well... Let's teach you some manners to NOT messing with someone's family" Said Quake before he kick Dr.G right at his stomach

"Earth golem! Appeared!" Command Quake but suprisely, it's not just one. Three earth golems appeard! And Quake just standing there with a smile on his face

"H-how...? I-I though he were" Said Fang and Ochobot answer his questions. "His power appeard because the determination of Boboiboy wanted to protect the others... That was his personality... Protect... And he appeard now because.. his siblings!" Said Ochobot

Back to the fight, the earth golem punch Dr.G several times. Dr.G stop for a moment to take a breath but...

"Hey, who teach you to rest during the fight?!" Asked Quake. He appeard behind Dr.G and punch his back real hard and Dr.G was throw far until he hit the wall

Dr.G fainted right after that. Quake catch a breath in front of the others. He turn back and facing with his sibling's with a sweet smile on his face and a tears

"Please... Enjoy the future, for me" Said Quake and his body glowing again and he lost. Completely out of sight. Tears running from everyone's cheek but this time, they were smiling

"We won't forget about you... Quake..."

//Sorry If This Chapter Sucks//

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