Chapter 4-We Saved You, But That Doesn't Mean We Forgive You

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Moonlight Production Crew: Damn... The tittle😂😂😂

Quake P.O.V

I open my eyes and saw something white. I look better and realized it just a white ceiling. I sit and look around. I'm just at the hospital. But... Who bought me here? I swear when I cut myself, everyone wasn't at home and plus, I locked myself... Could it be?

"You're awake huh?" Said one familiar voice. I turn and saw all of my sibling's but none of them seems just like done crying. Instead asked me if I'm okay, Thunderstorm slapped me at my cheek really hard

"You deserved to be slapped... What do you think you're doing?! You could have died and we can't take our revenge! Do you think you gonna free after what you do to us?! No!" Said Thunderstorm and before I could say anything, he grab me by my cloth and say "Listen here you piece of shit. If you dare to run again, we will kick you out of the house and banned you from the city. Don't think we can't do that" And he let me go

"You deserves all this... It's YOU who the one started the whole thing and you think you can run? It's faith after what you've done... Accept it..." Said Solar and they all just left me alone

You Won't Feel To Be Loved Again...

Oh god... Why now?

They Won't Love You Anymore...

Stop it... I... I can't handle it anymore. Enough just for the madness happened to me...

Like I Said... One Step Wrong, And You Will Be Suffer Forever...

I know but... Is it worth to lived now? Like, I have a chance to live but what's the point if I still be alive but no one loved me? Did they forget whatever I did to them? I saved them! I saved Thunderstorm and Cyclone from being killed! Did those two already forget about it...?

They Did Not See You By What You Did Right... They See You By What You Did Wrong... And Then They Judge You... THEY LEAVE YOU!!!

Can you please leave me alone...?

Okay... But Remember Quake... In This world, They Did Not Judge You About What You Did Right...

I said leave me alone!

Heh... As you wish...

The situation became silent... I hug my legs and started to cry

A week past...

Somehow, everyone at school got my number. They started to send me a mail which they put a picture of a knife or a bleach and a letter. The letter said...

I Hope After You Seeing This, You Try It...

Everyday, I got the same mail. And at school, they whispered about me and always gave me glue and scissors. They said I really should die... For everything I've done

And I couldn't even move on a little bit. Everyday when they send me a mail, I just received. And I will put the mail in the trash bin. And guess what? Tok Aba and Ochobot already come home from the vacation and they tell them the whole thing

Tok Aba is the last person who still believe there's a good in me and say that I didn't mean to do it. Ochobot... Well... He's... He's in their side. He didn't believe or trust me anymore...

Sometimes, Tok Aba asked me. What was I've been hiding? I told him that no one can't knew about it. He understands my pain and he forgive me

I really wanted to die...

Wanted to be free...

Or at least...

I want everything to go back to normal...

My world just went upside down, lie... Suddenly. From be loved to be hated. I wish I could just told everyone what actually happened... I wish I could told my sibling's about their memories... I didn't asked this to happened

I don't have the brave to tell them... I can't even tell them... I don't know how to tell them... I don't know if they would believe me or not...

I'm just done with life...

But I snap out of my depression

I want everything went back to normal! I will changed everything back to normal! I will!

But You Can't...

Seriously?! Why you need to appear whenever I got the determination to fix everything?! Just get lost already!

Stop Lying To Yourself Quake... You Don't Even Know Yourself... So How You Will Changed Everything Back? Just Give Up And Surrendered To Dr.G...
It's true...

I don't even know myself... Back to my childhood, when Thunderstorm was fighting against me and Wind. It's like... I was fighting myself...

See What I Meant?


I never got to show my true personality...

I don't even know my true personality...

Back at the day... I would just pretend up. Like I was normal and have a personality like the others... But no...

I'm not Thunderstorm, Blaze or even Solar who can made people know about their personality​ easily

I'm not Cyclone, Ice or Thorn who can express their personality easily

I'm not Fang, Yaya, Ying or Gopal who can know their own personality easily...

But I'm no one...

I can't made people know my personality, I can't express it and I don't even know it!


Am I just a mistake?

Am I just a broken element?

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