Chapter 10- Happy Ending

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Cyclone P.O.V

After knowing that we could bring Quake back. We was taken to one room which was in the Komander spaceship. We saw one machine was connected with 6 seats that did not look comfortable at all

"We bring Quake watch and all of his belongings and put it in the middle machine. All he needs is his emotions and he can get his true one. Just sits at the seats and express your true emotions" Said Ochobot and we all nod

We sits at the seats and waiting for Komander to say "Start". Actually... We don't have any idea if this gonna work or not. We're so confident and scared at the same time

Everyone except us who is still sitting at the seats go to the control room and they were watching us at the high place. Some of them are waving at us for no reason and we can see it through the glasses

"Okay, remember this. This experiment only has on chance to bring Quake back. If we failed, then there's no other ways... Prepared yourself... Now, you can start" Said Komander using the microphone

Started with Thunderstorm. We try our best to made him mad but he still didn't get mad. Then, I got an idea. "Hey Thundy-momo! I burn all of your Pikachu collections!" I shout to him and Bam! He explode on me

On red light appeard and it headed to the middle machine. I... I think it's working! I started to laugh by remembering all the funny times and the same thing happened

That situation kept going and going until Solar made the move. But... Nothing happened... The light which on top of that machine didn't been on at all... D-Did we failed...?

"W-what isn't the light on?! It must be work! Or... No... No! You guys didn't made any wrong move at all!!! So you guys can't be failed!" Shout Komander and we hear him because he was near with the microphone

D-did we failed...? Did we actually failed...? We failed?
Tears running through everyone's cheek...

Normal P.O.V

Everyone was sad because they think they actually failed... But no... They didn't

When they tears fall. The machine light was on and the door was open and revealed Quake who is smiling at the door. The Sibling's was shocked and happy at the same time and immediately run to him

Thunderstorm, Cyclone, Blaze... Everyone hug him with tears full of joy. "Quake! B-but... How...? We tough we were..." Before Thunderstorm could finish, he was cut off by Quake

"Hehe... You guys forget about one emotions... Sadness... That was missing. And when you guys were sad, the emotions are enough to bring me back!" Said Quake with a warm smile

"Oh Quake... We miss you so much! To much!" Said Cyclone and hug Quake again. Everyone go down there was happy because they were success to bring Quake back

Quake P.O.V

My name is Boboiboy Quake. Even though I am still just one of the Boboiboy emotions, I was complete with my siblings. They all important to me and we promised won't leave each other ever again

I promised in my life... I wanted to move on and forget the pass. Nothing can break us down, nothing at all... And we won't ever kept a secret ever again

----------------------------------Our Past Our Lies---------------------------------

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