Chapter 3-Bullied

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Quake P.O.V

I was just walking at the hallways when suddenly someone throw me a paper at my head. I look around... There's no one... I pick the paper and open it and it says...

"Go To Super Heroes Of Pulau Rintis News Board You Sicko..."

I froze... Why did they want me to look at that board? It's not like the news always come out fresh. It took at least 2 months for one news about us to come out. And the news just come out about 2 weeks ago

I just go to the board anyway and it's a HUGE surprise...

Everyone in my class was surrounding the board and they are reading one news. But some of them is glaring at me like I was some kind of thieves or a physco

I take a chance to look at the board and I was very shocked about the news...

It was about me and about the incident last night... And it says...

"Superheroes Murdered​ try to killed Ice!"
"Wolf In Sheep's Clothing!"
"Quake Tried To Stab Ice!"
"He Ruined Tok Aba house!"
"Memories Stealers!"

H-how...? I swear that incident happened at 11:00 o'clock at night. All of my neighbors are asleep at that time! So nobody could know about it and saw it! Unless...

It was one of my sibling's who told them...

I look at the news back and hopping if I could know where the recourse come from. And I knew who it was...

It was... All of MY sibling's... //So Sorry//

Suddenly... Someone punched me at my cheek and made me fall. Everyone there started to laugh at me and someone kept punching me and beating me up. Then... Everyone started to kick me for no reason

They shout at me and call me names... Example... They called me

"What kind of monster he is?!"
"Physco! Murdered!"
"Wolf In Sheep's Clothing!"

Then... I saw my sibling's and my friends randomly passed by. I run to them but they don't even look at me but instead walk away. I grab Thunderstorm arm but he slapped me...

"Don't touch me you sicko!" He shout at me... I was very shocked...

"W-what...?" I said while looking at them shocked

"You stole our memories... And lied to us... And yesterday night you almost killed us and you think you gonna get some respects?! Heh... I don't think so..." Said Blaze. I was about to cry but I hold it

"No wonder I always get the bad feelings when he get nears me... Never knew that my friend was a memories stealer" Said Fang...

"Don't talk to us again! You're not our friends again!" Said all of my friends at the same time and they left... Leaving me and my siblings...

"And you're not our brother anymore..."

Like a shape knife... Stabbing my heart... It's so hurts... My sibling's left me... My friends left me... I didn't get any respects anymore... I'm just... All alone...

Then... I heard a giggling from my back and all of my classmates are whispering about what just happened

"See? Even his sibling's left him"
"No wonders... I would totally left him if I was them..."
"He deserves no mercy..."
"He deserves to be alone..."

I started to cry but not that loud... Now... I had nobody... Thanks to myself for listening to my head...

2 weeks passed...

And I'm still alone...

At class everyone was whispering about me...

At lunch I sit alone with everyone who kept whispering about me and... Some people throw a paper at me

Same like at the end of the school

But surprisingly not just at my school...

Everyone in the city, town, and even at the neighborhood try to get away from me... Rumors about me spreading everywhere... And... They jokes about my parents when my sibling's are not around

One day... When I was walking alone at Pak Senin Koboi Street, someone punch me right at my face really hard. Then, they kick me at my stomach, legs and arms...

I could heard them laughing and joking about me...

They left me when I was already weak. The day started to rain and I couldn't​ even get up yet

I started to cry there...

At home, I cried at my bedroom. Thinking... What did I do to deserves all this madness? Then... I realized something

Oh yeah... The knife...

I could... Maybe end myself and end this... Everyone could just forget about me already...

I took the knife and thinking for a moment...

Should I do this in a hard way?


In the easy way?

I choose the easy way...

I lock the door. Lay down at my bed and...

I cut myself...

I cut at my hand and arm... Blood started to spread and I lay down at my bed. Waiting for God to take my life away...

My vision getting really blurry... Slowly, I closed my eyes and I can't open them back...

Goodbye World...

Normal P.O.V

Thunderstorm, Cyclone and the others just got home from the soccer ball practice. They got really tired and hungry...

When they already arrived at the kitchen, they check if there's any food they could eat but there's nothing. They decide to ask Quake where's the food but Quake is not there to

They go to Quake bedroom, the knocked the door but no response. Plus, there's no groaning which made them worry a little bit

The knocked harder and harder. But still... No response...

Thunderstorm take Quake bedroom key because they don't want to break the door again. He open it and saw Quake still 'asleep' at his bed

"Gosh... At least if you're asleep, don't​l lock the door! You made us worried!" Said Cyclone. But no response from Quake. He got really made and started to shake Quake body

"Hey! Wake up! Wake up! Wake-" Said Cyclone while shaking Quake body but he stop when Quake face was facing them and they saw some red liquid all over his arm


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