Chapter 9- Regret

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Thunderstorm P.O.V

A day past from that incident... Dr.G has been captured, that secret lab has been locked, those dead bodies in it has the funeral... But... Even though things has gone better, we still miss Quake

We have been depressed because of it. Our brother... The true Boboiboy... Died... And now we don't even know what to do... We don't even know who we are without him!

Now, we at the living room... The TV was closed, Ice is wide awake, Cyclone and Blaze was at the corner, mumbling... Solar is on the fan, how can he even get up there? Thorn wrapped himself with his Vines and hang himself. And I was... Well... At the couch but upside down

We started to shout at anyone who asked if we're okay or about Quake. Why? Do you expect us to be okay after losing someone we loved and we've done something wrong to him? Do you think we're okay?!

We still mad at the city for hating him and making those rumors. Well... Even though we're the one who started the rumors, we didn't spread it! It's the media! The goddam police! The fucking city people!

Talking about the city... They started to feel sorry and wanted Quake to come back. But it's​ already to late... He's dead... The one who's the most important... Dead... Just to saved us...

Tok Aba said we must be happy because we have a brother like him. Sacrifice his own lives, future and past... Just for to protect ours. We truly appreciate him. We appreciate him to be one of us

Suddenly, the door been knocked. I asked Cyclone to open the door and he did, by using his wind power. And it revealed our friends and K.Kaizo with Komander Kokoci

They walked in but K.Kaizo stop when he's already in front of Thorn. He stare at him and say "Wow... This is gonna be one ugly-ass butterfly". Heh... I bet if Quake was still here, K.Kaizo need to prepare his grave //I'm So Sorry Thorn Fans!//

"*Sigh* what do you want?" I asked coldly while looking at them. "There's only one reason we came here..." Said Yaya while looking us pity. Pff- I don't need pity. WE don't need pity AT ALL

"What is it?" Asked Cyclone. Yaya take a deep breath before she say "We know how to bring Quake back"
"Wait, what?"


Solar and Thorn fall from their place



Okay, first of all. I just wanted to say sorry for this very very very very short chapter. I know it sucks because I don't have any idea at all

But... At least we know Quake gonna be alive back, right? Well... You don't know exactly what gonna happen at the last chapter!

Well... Lastly... I wanna said thank you to everyone who enjoy this story. You guys are the best! You give me the determination to made another and another chapter even though you need to waste your tears. So... Thank you so much!

Oh! And for the author out there, keep it up! And don't give up! Bye!

-Sofea [Sofi]

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