Chapter 6-Our Past Memories, Our Dark Memories

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Quake P.O.V

I wake up and look at the clock. It's 3:27 a.m... I think this is the perfect time to leave the city

I take a shower and grab my hoodie. Usually, I would wear my jacket but this time I wear a hoodie because I don't want anyone to regonize me. I pack my bag and before I leave, I saw something red hanging at my closet

My mom's scarf...

She give Boboiboy this scarf 1 second before she died... I took the scarf and stare at it for a moment. Tears running down my cheek. If only... If only we could saved them... If only I could saved them...

I wear it around my neck. I was scared if my sibling's saw this scarf, their memories about how we lost our parents will be restored. It's not like I want to keep it myself... I really want to show them this scarf but maybe the memories will be restored...

I sigh...

Slowly, I open my door and headed down stairs without making any noise. I open the main door but I did not leave yet... I... I can't leave them! But... I can't stay with them...

Then... Killed Yourself... Easy... Problem Solved

No... I won't! I'm the one who started this and I'm gonna fix it! Even though I don't know myself or my personality... But that doesn't matter! There's something really matter right now

I pulled out one paper out of my pocket and write a note just before I leave the place. I put the note on the couch and leave the place

"Goodbye everyone... Forgive me for everything..." I said and I leave the house

Normal P.O.V

At the morning... Like they promise, everyone gather around at the living room while waiting for Ochobot to take the memories stealer thingy

Then, Ochobot come down with one CD at his hand. Everyone look at him weirdly. "Eh, why are you holding that CD? Are we watching a movie or something?" Asked Cyclone curious

"I transferred all the files which in the memories stealer to this so we can watch on the TV screen" Said Ochobot and he put the CD on CD's player

The TV started with a little static before it showed one boy with an orange dinosaur cap. They're guessing it's Boboiboy. He's with one beautiful women and one handsome man. And they're guessing it's Boboiboy parents

At first, they just laugh. Everyone smiled but that smiled didn't last for to long...

There's a static... And everything changed...

"Mom! Dad! Please! Don't!" Said Boboiboy in the screen

"Let my son go! Let us go!" Said the man

Then, Boboiboy parents been stabbed at the back. The knife hit the heart and they lay down, weakly. Boboiboy quickly run to them

"Mom! Dad! No! Don't leave me alone! I... *Sniff*... I can't live without you..." Said Boboiboy while holding his mother hands

"B-Boboiboy honey... Listen... O-our time is up... So... P-please listen... *Cough*... I... I want you... I want you to protect! Be a good boy... *Cough* K-keep this scarf... If you miss us... Goodbye... Honey" Said his mother before she passed up. Boboiboy take the scarf and started to cry

"Come here you little brat!" Said one man behind Boboiboy and dragged him by his hair to one van. The man took him to one secret lab and made him as a test subjects

"This will be your mark... Which mean you are own by this lab..." Said the man and pour one white thing on Boboiboy's head. Then, there's a stripe of hair turning white

"AAAAAA!!!! NOO!!!! STOP IT!!! IT HURTS!!! AAAAA" Shout Boboiboy in pain because he was injected and been forced to sit at one chair. One eletrick appeared​ from the chair and hit him hard

"Swallowed it you little brat!" Said the main again and forced Boboiboy to eat one pill. Then, Boboiboy groan in pain after swallowing eat

Thunderstorm, Cyclone, Blaze, Ice and the others was very shocked about their past. Tears running down from their cheeks. Now they knew, Quake was suffering all along...

After an hour passed...

Their memories finally end... Cyclone was crying, Thunderstorm hide his tears with his cap, Ice is crying while closing his mouth with both of his hand and Blaze were hugging him while crying. Thorn is hugging Solar and Solar hugged back

"I never knew this... Why...? Hic...why...?" Said Cyclone. "There's something you should know..." Said one voice and they all turn to look at Ochobot

"What is it?" Asked Thunderstorm. "Remember when Quake was attacking you?" Asked Ochobot and the 6 sibling's nod

"Actually... It's not him... It's someone else..." Said Ochobot and they all look at him, confused

"Wait... What do you mean?" Asked Ice curious and Ochobot continue explaining

"Actually... There's someone else living inside of him... Like there's another element living inside of his mind, which means there's two elements controlling his mind... And the suprised thing is, that other element is broken. So it's a virus. Actually... That virus wanted to go to Thunderstorm... But Quake took it from him and made him suffer. Plus... He has no idea what personality he was holding so he was living in confused with this horrible memories he was holding..." Said Ochobot

"And the most shocking thing is... That virus was made from your reversed side... Or been known as evil side... He didn't took it from himself... He took it from all of you... So that virus he was holding, has such powerful evil energy in it so he had a trouble controlling it" Said Ochobot again

"Oh, Quake... Why...?" Asked Blaze

Now... Everyone felt so so so guilty towards Quake. All he ever did is trying to protect them so he didn't deserve to be bullied. He didn't deserve to be treated like that

"We... We need to find him!" Said Thunderstorm and everyone nod before they was cut off by something

"Guys... Look what I have found..." Said Thorn while holding on small paper. Thunderstorm took it and read it. He froze... Cyclone took it and read it out loud, and it says...

To: My Sibling's And Friends

I know you guys already watch the memories... I know the thing Ochobot put underneath my pillow yesterday, I didn't moved it because I think you guys need to know the truth...

We actually a test subjects and Dr.G is the name who put the test on us. We manage to escape and act normal, but... After Boboiboy got his power watch, you guys been acting strange and trauma for that

I can't look at my siblings who is suffering for that memories... So that's why I stole it from you...

From that day, you guys didn't​ suffer anymore. I'm so happy even though I was suffering in the inside

Now you guys get the memories back... I hope you didn't look at the past and didn't​ moved on just because of that memories... And this is my last wish because we will never meet again

Whatever you do... Keep moving forward and...

Please enjoy the future, for me

Your brother, Quake

Tears running down from everyone eyes down through the cheek

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