Chapter 7- We Forgive You, And We Won't Let You Go

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Quake P.O.V

I finally out from the city and headed to one forest. Walking through the city is kinda awkward because some of them started to regonize me and already made fun of me

I finally arrived at the forest. I take a deep breath before I step in. I look around... Nothing changed... Nothing have changed even a little

I finally walked in. Walking through some trees, trip and fall just because of one rock. But I still stand up for ending the deal I made with 'Him'

After a long walk, I finally arrived...

The secret old lab in the middle of the woods or been known as "G-lab"... The name has inspired by the owner of the lab. The one who abused Boboiboy and put a test on him...

I take a deep breath again before I step in. God... Dr.G, haven't you ever clean the place?! It smells like rotten human flesh, dead rat and a kid barf //You're The One Who Puke In There!//

I go to one bookshelf. I pulled out one book and open it and it showed one keypad. I need to enter one code before entering the secret lab

2-4-0-9 is the code. One secret passage been open and I walked in. Walking through some goddam stairs and finally arrived at one door

The door been automatically​ open and I step in. I saw one man been doing some experiments on one rat


He wear his scientist coat at usual with his gray sweater on. I glared at him and he just smile creepily at me. I walked near him and just glare at him again

"I'm here to end our deal..." I said. With a smile, he say "I know... But before that..."

My face went shocked after hear what he say...

Thunderstorm P.O.V

I walked in a circle while thinking, where could Quake be? Where is he?! Is he safe?! Who is he with?!

"Thunderstorm... Stop walking... You making me dizzy!" Said Cyclone but I don't give a fuck about it... All I wanted to know is where is Quake?!

"Thundy... Stop walking, we already located Quake" Said Ochobot and poof! I was right besides him already. "Where is he!?" I asked Ochobot

"He's at one unknown​ place... But we still can find him using the GPS..." Said Ochobot. Then, Ochobot transferred all the files and the location in my power watch

We quickly run and tried our best to find Quake. I used my lightning speed, and the others... You know what they do to chase me. I'm to lazy to explain everything -_-

All that searching finally bought us to one place at the middle of the woods. Ochobot said he's in there but when we step in...


That place smells like crap and trash... Even worst, we smell a dead rotten human flesh... Rotten flesh... Whatever it is called but it really smells like it!

We search everywhere, but we didn't find him yet... Then, I suddenly​ realized... He's at the underground... Okay, first of all, how the fuck he gets down there?

"Hmm... Yaya, I located Quake is near this area but he's at the underground... So... Can you punch the floor?" I asked and Yaya nod before she punch the floor and it revealed one secret passage with stairs

Stairs... Why??? //JUST GO AND FIND QUAKE GOD DAMN IT!!!//

We walked through the stairs untill we found one door at the end. We located Quake is at the other side of the door and decide to open it. Suprisely, the door isn't​ locked

We saw Quake, with...

Oh my god... What is Quake do with him?!

T-that's Dr.G!!!

Normal P.O.V

Quake was shocked and so do Dr.G... they never expected to be found. Quake realized that his power watch can help them locate him

"Quake! What are you doing?! Get away from him!" Shout Cyclone but Quake just froze. He didn't doing anything at all. He just... Silent

"I'm sorry but... I'm here to end the deal I made with him..." Said Quake with tears running down through his cheek

"Listen, we can talk this out"-Blaze //Seriously?//

"No we can't! I made a deal to protect you and I MUST end it!"- Quake

"Quake, please... We lost you once and we don't want it to happen again..."- Thunderstorm

Quake just froze again, suddenly...

"You piece of shit! Get out!!!" Shout Dr.G which made everyone shocked. "Oh, but what if we don't wanna?" Asked Ice challenging him //Big Mistake!//

"Or else... I MADE YOU TRAPPED IN HERE FOREVER!!!" Shout Dr.G loudly and he begin to attack them. He take one gun and try to shoot them but been stop by Quake with his earth wall

"Doctor! What are you doing?!" Asked Quake loudly

"Doctor? Is that a doctor to you? Killing children? Put a test on a innocent children? Made them suffer? Is that what doctor do?!" Asked Fang and Quake just froze again

"SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!" Said Dr.G and suprisely, Quake power watch are already on his hand. He made one sharp earth and the earth are straight heading them. The earth are so fast even Ying can't dodge it. They closed their eyes and...

Shup!!! //I Can't Made The Sound Properly//

Blood are all over their place. But... None of them are been hit by the earth

They look in front and saw...


//Okay, To Be Honest, This Chapter Do Sucks For Me. What Do You Guys Think?//

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