Chapter 5-The Truth

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Normal P.O.V

Quake were just helping Tok Aba with the shop since he has spare times and there's even no body at the shop even though his friends. Usually, the shop will be full of people but that day, it's just empty

Ochobot were helping him to. But the only reason Ochobot were helping him is he been force by Tok Aba. Quake try to communicate with Ochobot but he seems ignoring Quake

"*Sigh* Hope one day this madness would end..." Said Quake in his mind. He still hoping for everything went back to normal. But... Guess he needs to wait

Suddenly, someone shout his name and when he look better, it's Gopal and Fang who's been calling him. They asked him to go to them so he did. He though that his friends want to say sorry but he was wrong...

Gopal and Fang pour an Ice Chocolate and Hot Chocolate on top of his head and leave him be. Quake just froze there... No words... No reaction... He just stand there

He take some tissues and clean his cap before cleaning his hair. He's like... Doesn't even care anymore. He put on his cap back and continue his work

"You know Ochobot... Everyone was expecting me as the bad guy because I stole their memories... Heh... But they didn't remember what exactly happened before I stole it..." Said Quake while wiping the counter. Ochobot shocked and turn to look at him

"They'll never knew what exactly my point to steal them... So I wanted to ask you... Have you ever see I stole someone happiness? If I already get the happiness I want, why would I stole the others? Plus... Thunderstorm, Cyclone, and the others is Boboiboy just like me. So our memories are clearly the same... Right?" Said Quake again and Ochobot was really shocked and felt guilty

"My point to stole their memories is to free them... I actually stole the dark past of ours from them... So I was the one who basically remember everything... I stole the memories of how we lost our parents, and leave the happiness behind... I stole how we got our white hair and still... I leave the happiness behind for them..." Said Quake again and Ochobot had nothing to say

"So... What did I do wrong to ever have something like this happened to me? I just want to protect them and let them moved on... They'll never knew what we've been through when we are little and I don't want them to know... Because it will effect them for the rest of their lives... And do you know what exactly the reason I cut myself that day? Because I want those memories to be vanish! If those memories brings happiness... Then why would I vanish them?" Said Quake again while sobbing

"Quake I... I never knew you actually kept the good in bad... I... I had no idea" Said Ochobot in his robotic voices. Everyone clearly had no idea why exactly Quake stole the memories... Why he cut himself... Why he never told some one... He actually suffer in the inside for so long

"Sorry if that complain was bothering you... I know you think I'm lying... But if you really do, I don't care... My life will end anyway..." Said Quake again

But does he knew there's actually some people who were actually hearing those other then Ochobot?

"We... Hic... We're so sorry.... Quake..." Said one voice in sobbing tone

Skip Time [That Night]

Everyone were just sitting at the dining table. And by 'everyone'... It's everyone! Quake friends, sibling's, Ochobot and Tok Aba

Everyone was just looking at Quake with a guilty feeling and always want to say something but they can't even spill it out

"I know you guys were questioning, why am I still here? And about the tragedy... I'm sorry... I promise it won't happen ever again" Said Quake and everyone were just looking at each other

"Quake, we-" And before Thunderstorm could say what he wanted to say, he was cut off by Quake again

"I know you guys hate me... And I don't care... I know you guys wanted to banish me from the city. But don't worry... I'll be out from the city tomorrow" Said Quake and made everyone shocked

"Wait, what?! No... Nonononono! Don't! We won't allow it!" Said Cyclone, and everyone nod. With a calm face and a smile, Quake say "I'm not one of your friends anymore, right? And I'm not your brother's anymore, right? So why would I need a permission to be out of the city?"

"Quake... We're sorry... We truly am... We don't know about it" Said Solar mentioning about what Quake said that afternoon

"Heh... Even though you guys forgive me, I am still leaving..." Said Quake and made everyone shocked again. "W-what are you still leaving?!" Asked Blaze

"... I... Can't tell you that..." Said Quake and he leaves the table and go upstairs. Everyone look at each other except for Tok Aba who is innocent

"I wish I could knew the whole thing and understand..." Said Ice and everyone was looking down until someone has say something

"Don't worry guys... I already put a memories stealer underneath Quake pillow so all of your lost memories will be restored in it. And we can watch it" Said Ochobot

"Okay... Tomorrow, 8:00 a.m. I want all of you to meet us at here" Said Thunderstorm and everyone nod

"We won't forgive ourselves untill you forgave us... Quake"

//I Am So Sorry If This Chapter Kinda Sucks//

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