Walk Away

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March 12, 1989

"So as I was saying before maybe we could start going to the studio and then we could make real songs-"

"Excuse me, DeShaun who is this?" I asked and looked at the white boy with a pink Alf shirt on and his hat on backwards. I tied my jacket around my waist.

"This is Marshall." DeShaun said and I nodded. I walked upstairs to his mom's bedroom and checked up on her.

"Hey Pepper." I said and she smiled.

"Hey Brianna." DeShaun's mom said and I hugged her.

"What they doing down there?" She asked.

"Listening to beats." I said and she smiled.

"You staying the night?" She asked and I nodded.

"He kicked me out as soon as he woke up." I said and she rapped her warm arms around me.

"You're so sweet. You wanna make anything to eat." She asked and I nodded. She walked to the kitchen with me and I set my stuff on the chair.

"I'll make dinner for tonight, it's the least I could do." I said and she smiled.

"Okay." She said and walked upstairs.

1 Hour Later

"Hey assholes, it's time for dinner." I said and DeShaun looked at me.

"We'll be up soon." He said and I walked down. I kissed his cheek and I smiled.

"Love you bro." I said and I wiped the lipstick off his cheek.

"Love you too." He said and I walked back upstairs

Marshall's POV

"Who is that?" I asked as she walked upstairs.

"Brianna Thompson, you haven't met her because she actually goes to high school."

"What is she a junior?"


"How old is she?"

"She's turning 16 in two weeks." He said.

"She flat chested." I said and he popped my hand.

"She's got 32B's okay she's not boobalious like Kimberlaid." He said.

"It's Kimberly prick." I said and wiped my eyes. Brianna came down with plates of food and passed them to us.

"I hope everything is okay. I don't think I made it hot enough." She said and I looked up at her and bit into the chicken.

"Ew this shit taste like several pounds of bounce that dick." I said when in reality it was the greatest I'd ever had. She turned to me and she put on a plastic smile.

"Speaking of dick, you sir should've been swallowed." She said and walked upstairs.

"Em, what is wrong with you?"

"DeShaun, she could've knocked or called. Come on now we were recording and writing and then she comes in her like the bitch she is."

"She comes here everyday. She usually comes down to write with me and the goes home but she stays on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and goes home on Sundays."


"Dude. I'm not telling you."

"Were y'all ever together?" I asked.

"Nope. Just always been this close."

"How long have you known her?"

"Since I was ten. Marshall, she doesn't date dummies or assholes. But if you are nice to her you could have a chance."

"Me and Kim are together and happy."

"Look at your damn hands, motherfucka you've been punching walls and shit haven't you?"

"Why does it even matter?" I asked and She came back down with some kool-aid and poured us glasses.

"Don't mean to interrupt you but, I have to go to the store for snacks for his mother so y'all want anything?"

"No thank you." DeShaun said,"you want somebody to walk with you?"

"Nope, I'm fine." She said and grabbed his jacket and walked out.

"It matters because I'm tired of you and her getting kicked out your mom because you're in love with her. I am at your house more than you are." He said and I nodded. After twenty minutes had passed the girl came back inside. She walked upstairs.

"Stop flirting."

"I'm not flirting. That chick is fucking depressing with all that black she wears."

"Shut up man." He said and she came downstairs with Pepper.

"Marshall." Pepper said and I looked at her,"what time you going home?"

"I'm about to head out." I said and Pepper smiled.

"Bri Bri will take you home." Pepper said and walked upstairs with that. Brianna walked with me to the car and she didn't say much.

"Brianna." I said as we sat in the car for five minutes siting quietly. She looked at me and apologized for the lack of attention. She started the car and the LL Cool J BAD tape started. I looked at her.

"Brianna." I said again and she looked at me.

"Yeah?" She asked and stopped at the stop light.

"What's your favorite LL song?"

"I Need Love and I'm Bad." She said and smiled. I looked at the graffiti laced within the city limits and smirked.

"Marshall can I ask you something?" She asked.

"No." I said and she scoffed,"I'm kidding."

"Why are you being such a prick to me?",

"We were kind of working and you interrupted us."

"I didn't know you were coming." She said and then turned into my neighborhood.

"Buh-Bye." She said and rolled her eyes. I got out and walked into the house. Mom was passed out drunk. I walked into the kitchen and picked up Nathan. I made him a bottle of milk and walked with him upstairs into my room.

"Marshall." Kim said and I looked around the corner where she was. She kissed me and I wrapped my arms around her.

"Are you ready?" I asked and she nodded.

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