My Song 5

358 20 7

Six Months Pregnant

Brianna's POV

Paul had been here every weekend to help me since Marahall's been M.I.A. I guess he really couldn't take the heat.

"Look at him getting all big and stuff." Paul said and pressed his ear to my belly.

"You're such a great guy." I said and brushed my hands through his hair.

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are Paul. Maybe not to Meadow's mom but you are to me." He kissed me and rubbed my belly.

"I love you." He said and I smiled.

"I love you too Paul." I said and he grinned.

"You have very beautiful eyes, you know that right?"

"You are a beautiful man."

"I love you too brat."

"Can we get some pasta?"

"Whatever you want, as long as we can watch animal planet." I laughed and sat down. I wrapped my arms around him and he laid his head on my boobs and we watched the marine life.

"See the fish right there is a clownfish, now when they get older in life they turn female- some of them if I read that right."

"Dope." I said and he sighed.

"You're so warm." He said and I laughed.

"I have a talent." I said and he chuckled.

"I love you too." He said and I adjusted my belly and then the house phone rang. I stood up and then walked to the phone.


"I wanna see you."

"Okay, let me tell you were you can see me."


"Us Weekly. I'm literally in there every week when me and Paulie are out. Shouldn't you be worried about your relationship with Brittany."

"We broke up."


"She caused a scene at my party."

"Because you where paying attention to the strippers more than you where paying attention to her."


"And you dumped her the day after breaking that little woman's heart."

"She's not mature."

"She's twenty-four, you aren't even mature now so you have a nerve."

"You're siding with her."

"I'm not going to side with a guy who once claimed that his alter-ego controlled him."

"And then I got kicked in the balls and probably won't be able to have children ever again."

"Not like you're doing anything to support the one in me currently."

"The one Kim is carrying for isn't mine."

"How'd you find out?"

"She got pregnant when I was on tour with a group of friends."

"Dude. I'm going to hang up."


"I'll be up, going through crazy shit I did for you. Honey, honey, I am never coming home again, as soon as this baby gets the fuck out of my space then I'm going to LA, I'm not coming back."

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