Dressin' Up

544 18 8

3 Days Later

Brianna's POV

"Damn." Marshall said trying to help me inside.

"Had you just stopped the car I wouldn't need your help."

"Woman, you didn't need to hop out the car."

"Don't make me slap you with a rock."

"Jesus Christ Brianna it's a mineral."

"I want to hurt you." I said and he laid me down on the couch.

"You know you keep saying that but I have to take care of you, so if I sprain my ankle or some dumb shit than you're out of luck." He said and I laughed. He placed the pillows under my knee and foot and walked into the kitchen. The house phone started ringing so I grabbed my crutches and went to pick it up.


"Hey, this is Paul Rosenberg. You know you and Marshall's manager?" I smiled.

"My faithful attorney at law." I said.


"What do you need Paulie?"

"What the hell happened?" He asked me and I chuckled.

"Me and Em were going camping. We got into an argument, he wouldn't stop the car, so I jumped out and tore one of my knee tissues and skinned my knee."

"Jesus, are you okay?"

"A little in pain but I'll live."

"Good. So there's some things revolving around touring that I need to talk with you about face-to-face so I'll be by your place in fifteen to twenty minutes okay."

"Okay Paul." I said and hung up.

19 Minutes Later

"NO! I'm not letting you in. You said 15-to-20. You still have a minute left." I said leaning against the door.

"I don't have time for your-"

"Watch your mouth Paul." I said and looking at the clock.

"Hurry up!"

"I DON'T CONTROL TIME PAUL!" I shouted and the big hand hit the 2:40 mark. I opened the door and he smiled.

"Paul, what happened to your hair?" I said reaching up to feel his baldness.

"Your soulmate did this to me." Paul said and I laughed.

"Marshall, he's my manager too. It's not fair I have to look at his baldness." Marshall laughed from the kitchen.

"I didn't do anything illegal enough to go to jail, so what is Paul Rosenberg stressing about?"

"I'm stressing about how Marshall is going to be away on tours for three months and Brianna, your tours are going to be two months." My smile dropped and it sat down.

"How the.. What the hell? WHO MADE THIS?"

"You guys tour managers messed up."

"She didn't mess up," I said and they looked at me shocked,"SHE FUCKED UP!" I yelled. I rarely, rarely get mad over my tours but that is some bull. They looked at me now in extreme shock.

"Take me down there tomorrow Paul, she's going to fix our tour dates."

"Says who?"


"It's during summer."

"How many breaks do I get."

"Two days, every two weeks." I went off.

"Fuck that little stupid bitch! I am taking care of my sister, she knows this and then she messes it all up."

"We will work to get the tour dates fixed. That's why I'm here, we all need to adjust the dates."

"It's March, I get my cast taken off in June. I planned to go apartment shopping in Detroit a week after.

"She has you marked for June 23 through August 27."

"I want to choke the living heartbeats out of this bitch."

"Take your sister with you, and before the shows go to the amusement parks."

"I don't like touring during Summer, he does because he gets to bring his little roadie family."

"When is my tours?"

"Your tour dates are complex, but let me show you." I looked at the dates and I almost killed myself. Marshall's face reddened and he shook his head.

"No. No. No, Paul. Fuck no. I'm not doing this."

"You'd get a lot of money by doing these tours."

"I have to start touring two days after my birthday. Nice birthday present Paul, Brianna at least you can bring your sister. My daughter is going to start school and I ain't gonna be there."

"You can push that one back." Paul said. Em glared at Paul and then he walked out.

"This is a lot of tour dates."

"If he'd just breathe and take a break from recording and drugs he wouldn't be so stressed."

"That's his blood. He's probably not going to have another one so we need to work out a way to get Kim and Hailie on tour with him."

"She could be home schooled for the first half of the school year, then Kim will put her back in to the system."

"I don't even really know her."

"Talk to him, convince him to talk to Kim about coming on tour, and home schooling the girls for a little while."

"I have a better idea. How about he brings them on the weekends that he's touring. I mean that's a lot of airfare but he'll do it."

"I doubt he even wants her on tour with him."


"He didn't tell you?"


"So, Marshall comes home from LA a day early to surprise her. It was during the period y'all weren't speaking. She's not there, her engagement ring is in the box. He's like what is going on. Whatever, whatever. So he's outside the house waiting on her until 4 in the morning. He thought she was fuckin' her boss. But yeah, he goes to a payphone a block away from her job and he calls her. Tells her he's still in LA. She lied to him. He went off, got the car keys back from her and left. He picked up Hailie from daycare and they went and got some ice cream. And we rented a tour bus. He said some smart ass shit as usual. She mushed his head into the window and it cracked. He was bleeding for hours."

"Hailie's too little to ride by herself."

"You could bring her, yourself, and Aubrey."

"I'll go on tour with him after my tour." I said and Paul nodded.

"Now, let's choose some dates."

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