No Angel

755 21 2

2 Years Later

I sat on the window pane and and looked out the window. I hadn't seen Marshall since his 26th birthday and that was because he finally got signed to a record label and I was finally moving out of state. There was no point of staying in Michigan. DeShaun had seemly forgotten that he knew me first.

"Brianna." I heard my little sister say and I turned around.

"Hi, Aubrey." I said and picked her up. There was a period of time where I wasn't talking to my dad because he was dating a girl the same age as me and he got her pregnant when I was 20.

"I don't want to move." Did I mention that two months ago I was asked by my dad babysit and he and his girlfriend never came back for my sister. So I've been raising a five almost six year old, on my own.

"We have to, I have more jobs in LA and more friends there than here."

"Whe-When can we come back?" She asked and I walked into my closet. I pulled off the rest of the clothes and walked back in the room to answer her question.

"We will come back to visit." I said and she looked at me.

"When is my dad coming back?" I sighed and put my head on her lap. I looked up at her.

"I don't know, honestly."

"Do you know where he is?"

"No." I said and stood up to fold more clothes into the suitcase. We were taking a Amtrak train to San Francisco. I'm going to visit my mom's sister and then we are taking another Amtrak from Oakland to Los Angeles. I had all my stuff at the house in LA and we'd be starting our trip tonight. There was a heavy knock on the door. I walked downstairs and opened the door.

"What the hell are you doing here, Marshall." He walked in and walked upstairs. I closed the door and ran up after him.

"What are you doing here!" I asked again and louder.

"Why the fuck are you leaving!" I backed up and looked him up and down.

"You guys don't need me anymore." I said and he looked at me.

"Are you serious?"


"You hit the jackpot before any of us, you've done interviews leaving us here."

"But if I would've taken you, it is highly plausible that you wouldn't have got the record deal. Your album is dropping tomorrow and you're mad because I didn't have an entourage. What the fuck?" I said and he looked at me.

"We need you."

"You want me." I said and walked back into the room and Aubrey was siting on the bed looking at us.

"Bebe, go to your room get your suitcases and duffel bag be careful taking them down. One by one."

"I'll help." He said and I nodded and packed up and the rest of my stuff. Zipped up my bags and grabbed my purse and wallet. I grabbed our tickets and I walked downstairs to find her asleep. He grabbed my hand and walked me upstairs.

"Hi." He said.

"I'm not staying so back the fuck off." I said and he kissed me. I stepped back and tripped onto the air mat. He fell on me and crushed me with the weight of his baby skin. I rubbed my hands up and down his back and some how he did it again. He was a panty dropper and I wanted to choke him but kiss him in the same second. We fought each other the whole time and it felt just right even though it was so wrong. In our last push against each other I fell onto his chest and let out a sigh. My hair was in his face and he was rubbing his hands up and down my back and we were talking.

"I'll come visit you." He said and I kissed him.

"I love you Marshall." I said and he kissed me.

"I wish I could've married you." He admitted and I traced my finger along his nipple and looked at him.

"I love you." I said and kissed him.

"I love you too." He said and he pulled up his pants. I kissed him and gave him the address.

"Come visit any time." I said and he smiled kissing me.

"I'll see you next week okay." He said and I smiled looking at his fading freckles. I pulled up my skirt and he grinned at me.

"Ew get out." I said and he laughed kissing me.

"Bye, No Tits."

"Goodbye, Unswallowed Sperm." I said and kissed him. I walked him to the door and watched him walk out with two big black dudes behind. I looked at the time and realized it was time to go. I started moving the stuff to the car and then I went to wake her up.

"Hey, piggy back ride?" I asked and she nodded hopping onto my back. I walked down with her to the garage and I placed her in the booster seat.

"Brianna!" DeShaun yelled and I looked up from wrapping the blanket around her.


"Why are you leaving?" He asked and walked up to me.

"I don't wanna live here, y'all don't need me so why do you try to trap me in this shitty ass city."

"You don't have to move to California to get away from Detroit."

"I'm doing this to get away from y'all." I sorta lied and I closed her door before motioning to open mine.

"You're a liar."

"You are interfering with my train and don't like that so, move!" I said and pushed him away. I opened my door and climbed in. I locked the door and put on my seat belt. I put my key in the ignition and DeShaun looked at me.

"Bye." I said and waved. I started the drive to the train station. I dropped off our bags and we moved through the bullshit until we finally got to the train. We sat in the very back in the last cart and she colored while I wrote songs for my album.

"I'm hungry." She said and I grabbed one of her two lunch boxes out of her backpack. She opened the bag and ate her sandwich.

"I'm finna listen to some music so tap me when you need me." I said and she nodded. I grabbed a CD Marshall gave me.

"Paul, is this on? Oh it is? Shit. Can you go away so I can do my confession. Thanks. Okay, Brianna if you are listening to this, this is the last thing I have to say before you leave and force my heart to leave with you. Okay so I'm going to get hella mushy and it's your job to cry. Now, I cheated on you and I got two things from it. I lost you and I got my baby. You held everything in until the night we got into that fight. You told me that I had ripped your heart out and that you didn't care about me anymore. How could you care, I was a dick to you. You still tell me every time you see me that you love me and I find it hard to say it back because in your eyes, you're wounded. You hide behind your job and you decided to move to LA to get away from the pain. I do wish I would've married you, I know we are young still but, we are almost thirty. You know what you want and I know what I want. Kim is only letting me see Hailie if we are together and so I have decided to marry her. I don't want to, but my daughter is the one thing I have left in this world. I love you a lot and I wanna be with you. Just think about it before you get on that second train." My eyes had watered up and I couldn't stop crying. I put the headphones in my bag with the CD player and I closed my eyes. When I opened them, Aubrey was looking at me.

"Why you sad."

"My friend made me a sad story and it made me sad."

"Can make you happy?"

"Tell me word and I'll tell you a story."


"When you close your eyes and you tell me that I make you happy and that you wish I was really your mom. That's my happiness." I said and she smiled.

"Come on get comfortable, we're going to be on the train for two days so might as well get used to it." I said and she smiled.

"Love you." She said and leaned against me.

"Love you too." I incased her in my arms and closed my eyes.

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