These Drugs

605 19 4

3 Days Later

It was time for Marshall to go back home. It was fun having him all to myself.

"Marshall, when are you coming back to see us?"

"I'm not." He said crystal blue eyes shining.


"Being here with you made me realize how bad I'm treating Kim." I looked at him and I took off the necklace.

"Then you can take your diamond ring, and your fuckin' CD." I said and threw it at him.

"Don't be like that."

"Fuck you." I said.

"Why you so mean?" My friend Manny was watching my little sister for the night.

"Why did you bother coming here?"

"I thought I loved you, but I don't love you." He said. I walked out. I knew he wasn't going to chase me. I walked to the bar and sat down.

"I'll take five shots of any the strongest liquor you have and cute rebound to potentially get pregnant by." I said and sat down. On my third shot I spotted a cute, blond, hazel eyes.

"You look drunk." He said.

"You look cute."

"I'm not having sex with you." He said.

"Can you take me home?" I asked and he nodded. He picked me up and escorted me to my apartment. I stumbled into the apartment and fell in.

"Damn." He said and he picked me up. I laughed and kissed him.

"I want you to have my children." I said and he laughed.

"You are a beautiful drunk lady."

"What's your name?" I asked.


"My name is Brianna."

"Brianna." I heard Marshall say.

"Who's this?"

"My asshole friend with benefits who doesn't wanna be my friend anymore. You might now him as Eminem." I said and Christoph laughed.

"He should be with you." He said and I laughed.

"Brianna, who the hell is this?" Marshall demanded.

"This is my friend, Christoph. I met him at the bar..... Why are you still here." I asked and looked at him.

"I was just leaving." He said and looked at Christoph.

"Chris." I said and he smiled.

"Walk toward your room." He said and laid me on the bed.

"Please, let me have your children." I said and he laughed.

"No, just get some sleep." He said and I laughed.

6 Hours Later

"Don't move sleeping beauty." A voice said and I felt a ice pack on my head.

"I should never have drank like that." I said and he laughed.

"Do you still wanna have my kids?" He asked.

"I don't even remember who you are."

"I'm Christoph." He said and I sat up.

"So you may alrighty now that I'm Brianna."

"You talk a lot when you're drunk." He said.

"Dude, my best friend just left me."

"I know, I met him as he was walking out."

"Shit." I said and stood up. I crawled to the house phone and answering machine and panicked.

"Three new messages."

"Who in the fuck was that? I tell you I'm not coming back and you bring back another guy? You fuckin' slut. I hope I impregnated you just so you can rise that kid all by yourself. I hate you." Marshall's profanity laced words didn't bother me. I just hit the call back button and picked up the phone. He answered and I went off.

"Marshall." I said seduction in my voice.


"Hey is for horses, you jackass! Don't assume because it makes an ass of you and me. You played me. You sir. I wish you'd get hit by a car." I said and hung up.

"That's a little harsh." He said.

"I don't care he deserves it." I said and crawled back to Christoph.

"You wanna talk?"

"About you." I said and he nodded.

"My name is Christoph, I'm from Detroit. I'm 29. My birthday is March 26. I have a son named Brandon."

"Oh my god! You have my birthday. What do you do?" I asked clearly into the guy from my city.

"I'm a singer."

"Dude, you should let me on your songs."

"Don't most people know you as an actress?"

"They think my part was voiced over but it wasn't. Let me prove it to you, you've heard of Aaliyah right?"

"Of course." I sat up, I sang the beginning of Four Page Letter.

"I want you on my songs."

"Told you." I said and he smiled.

"I wanna be your best friend." He said.

"Well, there are plenty of job openings for that." I said and smiled.

February 19, 2000

"Marshall's dropping another album. He mentioned you sorta on a freestyle."


"He said 'If y'all doing like the shit that you're hearing

Then blow me until your lipstick is smearing

And I can see my dick disappearing."

"I swear I hate him with my little heart."

"What even happened between y'all?" DeShaun said.

"Dawg, he's just so confused." Christoph said.

"I'm done with him. Why does he constantly do this?"

"You're performing at the Grammy's right?"

"And announcing Best Rap Album."

"Do what you gotta do there." Christoph said and I looked at my little sister's picture.

"Embarrass him?"

"Dude, he just embarrassed you."

"Is it my fault that my album came out a day before his?"


"I don't have to embarrass him."

"Do you want to?"

"Yes." I said and we started forming a plan for the Grammy's.

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