Skinny Love

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Couple of Weeks later

Marshall's POV

I sat on the couch at DeShaun's delivering the news of my lost virginity.

"I told you it was fun." He said and Brianna sat in the corner of the room talking to her dad.

"It was fun." I said and Brianna walked to DeShaun and whispered something in his ear before they bursted out in a fit of giggles. He looked at her and then shook his head.

"Did he really come in a box?" DeShaun mumbled.

"I don't know. That asshole called me a counterfeit ho so I said that he had a counterfeit dick." I smiled at her cleverness and then went back to writing.

"Shit." DeShaun said and I looked at him.


"I have to go get something." He said

"Don't leave me with the devil's spawn!"

"Don't leave me with a woman who the only door she knows how to keep open is the one in between her legs." She glared at me and pushed me.

"I gotta go. Don't kill each other." He said.

"No fucking promises." We said as he dashed out the house.

"I hate you." She said and I nodded.

"Bitch, nobody cares go sit down somewhere." She frowned and then walked outside.

20 Minutes Later

I looked at Brianna and she was looking out the window. She was in an actual color today. A Superman t-shirt and she had a comic book in her hands. She was a dream girl for a guy like me. She smiled and stood up walking to the door and some unknown dude came in with some package in his hands.

"Okay, so there is The Great Gatsby, Batman comics, Superman comics, and sketchbooks. How long are you staying?"

"Over night." She said and the guy smiled.

"You're so precious. I'm sorry, I've just been under stress."

"Dad it's okay. You're still young." She said and I looked at her dad. He aged well and she was a mirror image of him,"Dad we'll talk later I don't want this prick to hear our conversation." She said and he nodded hugging her. She closed the door and sat back on the couch. She opened the package and grabbed the pad and the pencil and she started drawing. I walked to the couch and sat next to her. She looked at me and her blue eyes sparkled.

"Can I help you, Unswallowed Sperm?" She asked and I looked at her.

"Yeah, No Tits I wanna see what your drawing?"

"Why?" She asked and I looked at her and smiled.

"I'm into drawing too." I admitted to the girl that hated me just as much as I hated her. She loosed up and looked at me.

"You do?" She questioned and I nodded. She passed me the sketchbook and I drew her face. She looked at herself and smiled. She grabbed the book and drew me. She was just good as I was. We talked for what felt like hours but in reality was fifteen minutes before DeShaun walked in.

"Hey fire couple from hell see y'all are being nice to each other." He said and laid the food on the table. Me and her both went for the M&M's and so we decided to spilt the bag in half.

"Anything happen?" DeShaun asked and she nodded.

"My dad apologized."

"What!" He said.

"He said he was stressed." She said and DeShaun rolled his eyes.

"He always says that."

"DeShaun, he's 32 with a 16 year old hormonal daughter who at any moment will lose her virginity if she wanted to. I'd be stressed too." She smiled and looked at me. It was at that moment I realized I liked her.

"He uses you as an accessory to get women. He's not a dad, he's barely even a caregiver." He said.

"I know DeShaun." She said getting increasingly frustrated with the thought that her dad used her. DeShaun put in a movie and she cuddled up next to me. She had baby soft skin and her heartbeat was the smoothest song I'd heart. Her hair felt like feathers as it touched my cheek. She played with my hair and by the end of the movie we had fallen asleep next to each other. DeShaun woke us up and told us to go upstairs. We dragged each other upstairs and into the guest bedroom. We sat on bed. She looked at me and I smiled at her.

"Tell me about yourself." She said and and I looked at her again.

"I'm from Missouri. I moved here when I was 12. I work. I just dropped out. Like two weeks ago."


"Some asshole teacher told me I'd never amount to shit. But anyways. My dad ran away from me and my mom when I was a baby. I never knew him, never seen a picture of him. I wanna be a rapper. But nobody takes a white rapper seriously."

"If you love it you should do it, no filters. Say whatever comes to mind and run with it." She said and I looked at her.

"Tell me about yourself." I said.

"I wanna be a actress and singer. I'm from here. My mom died giving birth to me on her birthday which is my birthday too I'm named for her. My full name is Brianna Hailie Thompson. I'm graduating a year early and I work at Little Caesars part time."

"Favorite color."

"Grey." She said.

"Mine is light blue." I said and she nodded.

"Favorite food."

"Anything Mexican is a win."

"Mine is Pasta." She said and smiled.

"Favorite Candy." I said and she smiled.

"M&M's." She said and I laughed.

"Mine changes every week so I can't tell you." I said and she laughed

"Favorite drink."

"Mountain Dew."

"Mine too!" She said and she smiled.

"I'm sorry I was rude to you." I said and she smiled.

"I'm going to get ready for bed and by the way I still think you should've been swallowed." She said and winked at me. I made a border in between the covers so we didn't touch as we slept. With so many lyrics running through my mind I couldn't sleep and she was sitting up looking out the window. I could tell she wanted something more. She wanted to be liberated from the prison cell of bloodshed we called Detroit or Amityville. She wanted to escape the cuffs of being a statistic. She didn't wanna be like her parents. She didn't wanna be like the kids who get shot for walking down the wrong street. She didn't wanna work a 9 to 5 just to stay alive. She didn't wanna do that. I don't wanna do that. I'd do anything not to me like my mother. I sat up and she looked over.

"I didn't know you were still up." She said and I nodded. She curled her arms and legs around my arms and waist and we drifted to sleep.

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