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"So, what's it going to be?", he asks as I remain silent. My thoughts drift to Harry and his last girlfriend.

"Husband", I give in resigned. I've no other choice. Maybe then Harry sees my words in a different light. I know, they already met Josh and that I need to invent something why he just now appears as my husband but I save this for later.

"Alright. I get the papers and will sent them to you. Josh already knows. He has some errands to run and will be with you as off tomorrow." He bids me goodbye and I wonder what I just got myself into and if there would have been another solution. Probably not because right now someone else pulls my strings and I mime the puppet. When I go back into the kitchen Harry sits on the floor while Ava plays with his hair putting colourful clips in. On the table sit three untouched plates with sandwiches and the smell of freshly brewed tea hits my nostrils.

"You're an angel", I let him know. He stands to his feet, takes Ava in his arms and sits at the table. I take a seat across from him. Having the food in front of me I realise how hungry I really am. Inwardly I contemplate how to break the news to him. Probably I should talk to Josh about it first. Maybe he has a plan.
In the early evening Harry bids us goodbye as he needs to get back to London for a couple of days. Ava cried a little but he promised her to be back soon. I feel bad he spent all his time with us and not his family. I'll use his departure to sort through my thoughts. At his farewell he put his arms around me and hugged me tightly. And just for the fraction of a second I've had the feeling to belong right there - in his arms. Afterwards he stared at my lips and I'm sure he wanted to kiss me but decided against it. But the sad part: I wouldn't have stopped him. Meanwhile I admit I fall fast and hard for him and that scares me. I know I should distance myself, keep our relationship platonic but I can't find the strength to battle my feelings. But now with Josh in the picture... why is everything so complicated?


Monday morning comes fast and with it a new week of work. Half of the last two nights I racked my brain about what happens now, but came to no conclusion. I'm tired of living my life after certain requirements yet the alternative would be to be without protection. God knows I could afford a bodyguard for both of us - Ava and me - but I just don't know who to trust. Even though Sam said Josh would be with us the next day, he wasn't. He called me though to let me know that he needs another day to sort some things out but would be joining me Monday. But as I stand behind the register of the bakery, tired and in pain yet smiling friendly at each customer and serve them politely, it already slipped my mind again. Christa is next to me and rambles joyfully, filling me in to the newest village gossip even though I can't picture a face to the people she's talking about. I nod at the right times, add sentences such as 'That's scandalous!' or 'Really? Unbelievable.' even though I couldn't care less. I'm no one who believes in rumours and I like to form my own opinion on people especially when I know it's just that - a rumour. Shortly before I'm finally off Gemma enters the store with a wide smile and lightens my mood.

"Gemma! Good to see you, love. What brings you in?", Christa asks her before I even get the possibility to greet her.

"Good day, Christa. I'd like some of your scones", she says and then turns to me.

"Hayden. Mum asks if you and Ava would like to come over for tea. She swears she hasn't seen you in like forever."

"Gems, you could have just texted me. I would have brought scones", I chuckle.

"Nah, you know how mum is. She insisted I get cake because you're our guest. And I thought we could maybe have a girls night now that Harry isn't hogging you", she winks and I feel the heat creeping into my cheeks.

"Sounds good to me", I say.

"Great." She looks at her watch around her thin wrist. "You want me to wait for you?" I check the time myself and see that I only have like five more minutes so I nod.

The Witness (H.S.)Where stories live. Discover now