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There with one arm slung around Gemmas shoulder and a friendly smile stands the young man from the bakery who I was suspicious about. I need a second but then I do what I can best - I pretend there isn't a storm raging inside me.

"Hey. Come on in."

Anne hugs me tightly, thanks me for the invitation and hands me a bowl with dessert. Robin pets my shoulder and is then pushed out of the way by Gemma.

"Hayden", she squeals and slings her thin arms around me. She's acting as if we haven't seen each other in years and not only yesterday.

"Hey Gems", I giggle and allow myself to get infected by her happiness. All thoughts of Harry are pushed back in the rearmost corner of my head even if it's hard with his female image in front of me.

"Oh. Hayden, that's Rico. Rico, that's Hayden", she introduces us and waves meanwhile with her hand back and fro.

"Hola, Hayden. Nice to see you again", he says and this time a hint of an accent is audible.

"You already met?", Gemma asks amazed and for a moment flickers something in her eyes I only can describe as panic.

"No, he was in the bakery today", I say, dismiss her expression and lead my guests to the patio where I introduce Josh. He hasn't met Anne and Robin yet.

"This playhouse turned out amazing. It does look like something out of a fairytale", Anne praises.

"Thank you. Gemma was a big help", I say honestly.

"Where's Ava?", Anne asks and I nod in the direction of her playhouse.

"She's in there. You wanna have a look?"

"Absolutly", Anne says and follows me to the wooden house. Gemma comes as well. In front of the pink door I pause and knock. A moment later Ava opens the door and radiates joy upon seeing Anne and Gemma. She hugs them tightly and then shoos us in. It is a little narrow with all of us grown-ups in the little space. Proudly she shows us what she's got.

"It's very homey. A nice retreat", Anne says admiring.

"Gemmy you come school 'morrow again?", Ava suddenly asks and I'm baffled. To school? As in nursery school? And again? It's been quite some time she came with me to pick Ava up.

"What do you mean?", I ask before Gemma can answer.

"Gemmy comes play with me", Ava says proudly and I don't understand. I turn my gaze to Gemma who looks guilty.

"Ugh, yeah. I work there", she says and I get suspicious. I mean I got a list of all teachers there and her name wasn't on that list. But come to think of it we never talked about her profession.

"Really?", I just say and keep my suspicion to myself. Even though she's my friend and her brother is a worldwide superstar I'll have Josh running a background check on her. I can't be careful enough - not as far as Ava is concerned.
Josh and Robin take over the barbecuing and are conversing while  having a beer. After putting salad, bread and sauces on the table I sit with Anne, Gemma and Rico. When the meat is done the men sit with us and participate in our conversation.   

"Hey Hayden. I brought you something", Gemma says and reaches into her bag. She pulls out a little box and places it in front of me on the table.

"Oh you shouldn't have", I say and am wondering.

"I saw it in the store and thought of you", she says grinning, reminding me of Harry again. I remove the small bow and then the paper revealing a jewelry box. When I open it I hold my breath. There's a filigree crafted bracelet with a charm in form of a cupcake in it.

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