He meets you in a different area

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Leonard Snart.

You were walking through the Woods, your brand new handmade basket holding alot of colorfull flowers... with a soft smile you hummed to yourself, getting down on your knees when you reached the lake you washed your face.. but before you realised it something resembling a human  crawled out of the lake.. one by one they started surrounding you.. You wanted to scream but A pendragon was not to show fear of anyone.. so you took a small knife out of the basket which you usually use to cut flowers.. ripping of the bottom of the dress you were wearing you were left in your undergarments..  ''Come on!'' You shouted..

But in multiple blue flashes they were all frozen, you gasped seeing a man in clothes you couldnt really suscribe other then out of place..  ''Spicey..'' A taunting voice said.. ''Dont come closer. My father will not be pleased..'' The man came closer taking of his something that covered his eyes.. the man was very attractive.. ''Calm down Princess.. I just came here to safe you from a time wrinkle.. That little girl this morning... the maids daughter..'' You looked confused.. ''Elia's daughter.. she ran away.. Bu..''  he came closer ''Which send you on the wrong path.. sneaking away from you fathers guards.. Naughty.. I'm not judging.. I was send to safe you to save history and your fathers legend..The name is Leonaed Snart.'' His voice was raw.. alluring.. ''Princess.. (Y/n)'' Will you please bring me back to the castle.. I'm sure my father will make a knight out of you.. You saved his only daughter and heir..'' Leonard started laughing ''I doubt thats what he will do when you walk in  as good as *Naked* but If I could get gold..Lets go your majesty..'''

Mick Rory

You made your way through Star city.. 2030.. You were from 2017.. dropped in this time by a man named Savage..It was Dark... smelly.. And cold depsite the fire everywhere.. You had just gotten the last of the money you needed to start a life elsewhere.  but before you knew it you were grabbed and being robbed, you screamed trying to get away ''Let me go! I ahvent done anything!'' When a flash of red blew up a car which was a few feet away they dropped you and you fell on the hard ground... Your vision was blurry for a second but when it cleared up you saw a handsome bald guy with a fur coat.. You knew exactly who this was.. well Not exactly but you knew what the coat meant so you tried running of only to be grabbed by your wrist ''Dont worry'' the man grumbled before turning to the forming crowd around you two ''Touch this one and you will die! slowly.'' he puled you into his side and made you walk with him

''(Y/N)?'' The man asked as he entered a empty building making you sit, you sniffled (Y/n) hoo=w do you know my name? '' you stuttered  'Are you going to kill me ?'' You asked wth a deep frown, He shook his head ''No. I'm here to get you back to your own time.. You dont have to worry.'' He said in a deep voice putting a wet cloth on the cut located on your arm, now that you felt your adrenaline go down you realised how tired you were.. how painfull your legs were.. how bruised they felt.. ''Lets go. you need to go to the ship.'' the man growled ''Whats your name?'' The man pulled you up, you fell against him and he picked you up ''Mick Rory'' You sighed softly..  ''Thank you mick..''

Mick Rory And leonard Snart Preferences and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now