his bff protects you

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Leonard Snart

Your Boyfriend mick was sitting out a two week jail sentence So Leonard and you Were on your own. You went out for dinner at the cafe. Unfortunatly Lillith was still small and extremely sensitive at the moment as her teeth were coming in. So once she started to cry you tried shushing her.. Len tried.. then you tried but she wouldnt stop. you even tried to let her suck on a fry. she kept crying.. usually food was the solution but this time nope..

''Gosh.. This is so awkward..'' You sighed glancing at Len, Your face going red

''Dont worry Darling. Its a baby what do people expect?'' He winked at you and dipped his fry into his shake

''Well maybe that you could keep your kid in check. Shut that kids mouth or i'll do it for you.'' A voice came from behind you.

Len raised his eyebrows and you sunk into your seat ''Say that again. We'll see what happend.''
His voice was cold now and threathening.

''I said keep your kid in check '' The man Spit in your way ''Or get the fuck out before I trample the three of you. Some people come here to be alone''

Len took a bite of his fry and chewed as he got up and walked over to the man. ''Listen very good.'' You went to protest but he hushed you ''You touch my partners girlfriend and their child, and I will ice you. Now you cant possibly tell me you want to be alone for once. with a face like yours I cant think of anyone wanting to be near you. Now do yourself a favor and'' Len grabbed the guys fork ''Get your shit and leave. Before I stab you in the neck''

Mick Rory

You and Mick Were doing groceries, usually you and len do but Len was down with the flu. Eitherway a five month pregnant you waggled next to mick in the candy isle while he pushed the cart. ''I need M&M's'' you said nudging Micks side

''You're getting chubby.'' He said bluntly

''I'm five months pregnant.'' You chuckled '''Not fat''

You looked around trying to find the M&M's. You grew a grin walking to where you saw them.. Top shelf. ''Mick?'' You asked turning you head

''Coming...'' He said as he was putting pringles in the cart

You reached again but another arm reached for them and grabbed them.. You turned to lookat the person taking the last of the M&M's ''Excuse me..'' You said to the girl ''I was going to take those.. My friend was on his way to grab them for me.'' You said with a slight smile, The girl raised her hand right infront of your face

''Should you be really having another bag of M&M's?'' She asked ''I Mean.. You're getting a bit fat..'' You took a good look at her and then you realised Cindy Carson. Your high school bully.

''Stop being so rude and give me my fucking M&M's'' She scoffed and looked at you up and down giving you the cool girl checkup.

''I'm not going to sugarcoat this because I'm afraid you will eat that too. Get your fat slutty ass out of my face.'' She poked her finger into our shoulder ''Understood?'' You looked at her finger You could not believe the attitude this bitch was giving you

A large hand grabbed Cindy's wrist and snapped it back breaking it. Cindy screamed and you looked up to see Mick ''Listen up here you blow up porn doll. You're touching my friends wife. You do anything that hurts her or my junior partner, and I will slam your bimbo ass so hard against the wall you wont be able to suck dick.. I dont think you would want to lose your hob. your pimp wont be happy'' You grew a smile and moved behind Mick

''Mick..'' You said watching she sniffling cindy ''She called me fat.''

''I.. I didnt'' Cindy whimpered

''Bullshit. You're not fat. She's not fat She's pregnant.'' Mick let go of Cindy and she ran of leaving everything even her purse behind. ''Mick grabbed the bag of M&M's from her  shopping cart

''Thank you.. Micky.'' You grinned Kissing his cheek

''Youre like the sister I never wanted. Ofcourse I will protect you. Now lets go. I'm hungry.''


I wrote it in a hurry cuz I aint gonna post my smut until I know its absolutely perfect and swoon worthy.This message is directed to someone and she knows who she is. Pfff

Mick Rory And leonard Snart Preferences and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now