1850 p2 Len

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Recap of what happend to (y/n) After len left.

Well After Len left You went back home. For the assault of a kings musketeer you were supposed to get 50 lashes. But thanks to your friend The queen The king was prepared to lower it to 10. Your own husband turned out to be a traitor, you were to scared to tell anyone. Anyways!! You also turned out to be pregnant with Lens baby.  To make sure your husband thought it was his you had to sleep with him. After you told him the news he was pleasantly suprised. You lived for another 8 sort of normal months.. nothing weird happend until one night you heard something you werent supposed to hear, your husband speaking with some red guards on how to assasinate the queen and king. You couldnt let anyone hurt Anne or the king. So you locked your husband and the guards up.. you grabbed a candle and burned down the whole freaking garisson. After that you got soldiers pension and moved to a little village a hour ride from paris. You gave birth to a little baby girl and you named Lesly  but you called her Lessie for short. She had Gorgeous white curls and blue eyes. a skin just like porcelain with little pink lips. Anyhow the leader of the red guard found out about what you did and thats where we are now. you were on your way to be hanged, your child was to be taken away later.


You walked into the small wet and dirty cellar.. your little girl was craddled in your arms sound asleep. unaware of what was going to happen.. You felt a lump in your throat as the rope came into view.. You knew the 8 men werent here on the kings business. they were here for revenge, You kissed lessies head and licked your lips after. With each step youo came closer.. that was until you reached the rope.. your baby was ripped from your arms and handed over to one of the guards. you felt tears come up but you refused to cry. You knew nothing would help you now! And you refused to look weak. You were forced up the steps, You didnt intend to help these men one bit. You kept silent even once they managed to tie the rope around your neck. ''Any last words Strumpet?'' You glanced at the redheaded flthy little bollock ''Yes.'' You turned to the crowd that started to form ''I was unfaithfull to my husband..I acted agressive against a kings musketeer. I helped two prisoners escape form my husbands garrison. which I burned down with traiters and 9 innocent men, well as innocent as a man can be. I got pregnant with a fugitives child. I steal. I lie and I have betrayed. For love and if I can do it all over again. I would not change a thing.'' The soldiers looked angry and outraged ''Oh wait.'' You grew a smile making sure your face was emotionless ''I would change one thing.. I Would have chosen for myself more often.. I would have stolen more. I would have lied more to get what I want. I would have struck my husband when he struck me. I would have murdered my husband with my bare hands. And now that I have said that I can die peacefully.'' You closed your eyes as you heard the crowd scream and shout for you to be hanged. You kept your eyes closed as you heard steps approach ''You will die for this wench'' You couldnt explain it.. But you felt like it was okay. ''I love you Lesly'' You whispered before you heard screams of fear.. you didnt dare to open your eyes.. You heard bodies drop and guns going off.. ''Mick Get the Baby!'' You heard a formiliar voice ''Len..'' You whispered keeping your eyes closed, A baby started crying which ripped you out of your shock like state.. You saw Len run over, what?... This could not be.. Before you knew it he cut the rope and grabbed a hold of your face ''I'm here.. I came back for you..'' You felt anger and happiness.. you didnt know what to do..You looked around frantically.. You saw Mick holding your daughter..You saw others scaring and fighting off the crowd and the guards.. And then you looked at Len.. You straightened yourself and raised your hand backhanding him, he frowned deeply ''I realy like this woman! Do you have a sister Skirts?'' Mick shouted, Len shook you by the shoulders ''(Y/N) I'm so sorry.. But I am taking you out of here. I promised I would come back after you fullfilled your destiny..'' Len Leaned in and kissed you deeply, and there it was.. The warm sensation that came with this man.. You felt anger slip away and your threw your arms around him ''I waited for you.. I love you Leonard.'' You muttered against his lips.. ''For me it was just a few hours..'' You pulled away confused..''Excuse me?''  He chuckled ''I'll tell you later..'' You nodded and pulled him along as you rushed to Mick, Taking your little girl gently ''Leonard.. Meet Lesly Elliot (YLN)'' You handed her over to him gently, He grew a smile you had never seen before. ''Lesly Elliot Snart? and (Y/N) Snart?..'' You bit your lip and leaned in kissing his cheek ''We'll see..'' Mick grabbed your shoulder ''We need to go.. The ship is waiting. And this is where it gets complicated.''

Doneee!!! I think it does not need a part 3

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