meeting your pet

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Leonard Snart

You were the owner of several snakes.. a many other lizards.. this happend when he met them.

You and leonard woke up.. he had never been to your house before, and the night before len was too drunk to be drive home.. so you dragged the passed out guy all the way through your apartment to bed... This also meant he hadnt.. well he hadnt seen your hobby yet. You turned to your side and saw the bed empty, a loud screech made you sit up.. getting up quickly you hurried to where len was.. your pet Holly the python was moving up lens leg ''Get it off of me!'' He exclaimed closing his eye.. You walked over picking her up ''I'm sorry..  I got a rat problem.'' You hushed him as you put her down. ''What the hell..You have a snake?'' You nodded ''I got four of them. and around 14 other lizards..'' Lens eyes widened ''Well thats not..'''You chuckled softly ''You'll get used to it. besides when the rats are gone she will be going back to her cage.'' Len nodded and stepped over ''As long as she's not in the bed..'' You grinned and leaned in ''Ofcourse not.'' You said before kissing him

I wanted to make a mick rory but I got lazy.. I will make one later..

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