Wedding trouble.

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Leonard Snart.

Leonard POV

I hurried after Lisa, ''Just tell me whats going on'' 

She stopped and motioned to (Y/N)'s Hotel room ''She wont come out.''

I sighed and walked over, and as soon as I started to get closer I could hear it. 

''Yes Mom I know he's a criminal.... I dont care mom.. Because I love him!'' 

Her voice was breaking at every single word.. Her crying made my heart drop..

''No Mom.. I know that..'' She sniffled ''Please Mom.. I'll be all Alone..I need you there.. You're my mother...Please''

My heart broke for her.. But I knew I had to wait...I looked down as I listened to the faint voice of her rantling and scolding mother....And then it went silent..

''Please.. Mommy.. It's my wedding day.. I'm getting married mommy.. Don't you love me?..''

I could hear her drop herself on the ground.. I moved forward and grabbed my freeze glove, freezing the whole doorhandle, Pulling it off I waited for a second

''It's good to know the only people I had in the family.. Are dead..'' 

And as I Opened the door Her phone hit me right in the face.. I winced and walked over to the crying little ball of depression, my eyes closed carefull not to dmper the suprise.

''Honey..'' I said feeling around, grabbing her ''I will be all the family you need..Dry your tears and get ready.. They dont deserve you. You deserve better then them.''

She hugged onto me and the sobbing went more quiet ''I love you Leonard Snart..''

I sighed ''I love you misses Snart..'' I pulled away and made my way to the door ''I will see you at the altar Beautifull..''

As soon as I closed the door I felt a heavy weight on my chest ''Was I ruining her life?''

Mick Rory

Mick POV

She looked beautiful.. Her hair was curled and pinned up just like I always asked her to do it. Her veil thingy..Her dress was gorgeous and was fit for a queen.. But one thing was not right. She wasnt my queen.. This wasnt my wedding and those hands holding hers werent mine either..

''Do you.. Francis Glasgorees Take (Y/N) Snart as your lawfuly wedded wife'' The minister guy said.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, Lisa was seated next to me, Len on the other side, This was none other then their sisters wedding

''I do.'' The asshat said.

''Do you.. (Y/N) Snart take Francis Glasgorees  as your lawfuly wedded Husband'?' The minister prick spoke again. man I wanted to punch that guy. or burn him and his little church.

I focussed on her. the love of my life.. she went red..She wanted to speak.. and when she glanced at me with those help seeking eyes. I snapped. 

''Mick'' Two warning snart voices said. I shrugged them of and got up. 

''Dont marry him. (Y/n) "I love you, . I always have. I love everything about you. Even the things I don't like, I love. And I want you with me. I love you, and I think...that you love me too. Do you?'' I asked stepping closer.. 

She looked at her fiance and whispered a sorry..she was a soft soul.. She ran to me and grabbed my arm dragging me to the exit. I got the girl..


Mick Rory And leonard Snart Preferences and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now