Not the right time P2

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You walked into you new home.. You were supposed to live here with Ray, Len and Mick. With no modern tenchinique.. The plan was to go cold Turkey and leave all our futuristic stuff on the waverider. You glanced over at Mick.. He was being a grump, but you knew how to solve that. You see, mick thinks with his stomach most of the time and when he is hungry he gets angry and snappy. You walked over and put your hand on his big muscly arm ''Hey.. Lets get you something to eat. How about that?'' Mick nodded and you lead him out ''We could go grocery shopping.. And when we get back I reckon the others have finished the shopping for our clothes. Mick grunted, you nudged his side and linked your arm ''Come on. Give me a smile..'' He looked down raising his eyebrows, eventually giving you a smile ''There it is.'' you smiled walking into a grocery shop, You motioned for mick to grab a cart. and suprisingly he did grab one and followed you. You grabbed a package with crossaints and ripped it open, handing one to Mick, putting the rest in the cart. You took some veggies and some snacks, something to drink and ofcourse some rose champange. You were suprised they already had that in the 20s.. You walked up to the cashier and payed with the money rip gave you.. Glancing at mick you saw him munching on the 10th and last croissant you had bought. you took the grocery bags and wallked with him.. The silence was so awkward. ''Here. Let me carry those.'' Mick said grabbing the bags from your hands. ''Thank you mick.'' you swore he was looking at you in the Eugene Rapunzel way.

Few hours later dinner time.

You stirred the sauce for the spaghetti ''So.'' Snart said in his usual drawn out voice as he walked in ''We have three rooms. I am taking the one in the attic. '' Ray hurried walking in ''I'm taking the one with the balcony.'' You looked at Mick whom was lighting the candles ''Looks Like you are bucking with Puppyeyes over there Mick.'' Snart teased walking over to your sauce, you slapped his hand away as he tried tasting ''No. Set the table Leonard.'' You warned ''Mick are you alright with sharing a room?'' he looked up ''Its not like I have a choice do I?'' He huffed sitting down as Len set the plate ''I'll bunk with you (Y/N)'' Ray offered. Mick Shot Ray a look ''Are you her husband? No. just know I do not do Cuddling.'' You let out a small giggle ''Len? Do you have a offer too?'' He shook his head as he finished setting the table ''No Thank you. Do you realise I know how much you snore? I think you and mick are a perfect match on that area.'' You rolled your eyes playfully ''I do not Snore.'' You made everyone a plate before sitting down, Mick started to breath your food.. You were happy he used a fork. Len took a bite and nodded motioning its nice and Ray Looked took a few bites ''This is great!'' He smiled

Around 12  that night

You finished brushing your hair, you walked to the bed and layed down, leaving enough space for Mick, Thinking about the devil he walked in, he took off his shirt and you went red seeing his gorgeous body, most of his chest and arms were covered with burn scars. He took his pants off.. his legs were partly covered in burn scars too, he looked over and you patted the other side of the bed ''Come on in hubby'' He walked over and layed down with a reliefd groan ''Night'' He said turning his back to you.. You turned of the light and got comfy, facing his back the moonlight lightened up part of his back.. As you studied is scars you came to the conclusion.. They were Gorgeous.. ''Goodnight Mick.''

Dont worry snowflakes. I'm also in the middle of he cheats part 3 Len .

Also Did you all see that clip of Wentworth millers fan just forcing went to say something? Went said ''I'm not saying anything.'' And now all kinds of doublestandard people are mad at him for it? Like dafug if someone starts filming me out of nowhere I would sock you in the eyeball. How rude. WENT FOREVER <3

Mick Rory And leonard Snart Preferences and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now