How you meet, villian, hero edition Leonard

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Leonard Snart

You worked at Star labs as a computer genius and with that came being one of the Flashes Buddies, Yay! And with The flash came the infamous Leonard Snart aka Captain cold, The handsome crook has Always had a little thing with The flash being slightly obsessed with him as he was forced to step up his game, Eitherway When Cisco told Snart who the flash was and who the other helpers were, Snart picked you.. You ofcourse resisted the handsome little icedevil the best you could but to be honest.. The way he got you was getting ridiculously hilarious! This is how it happend

You met Snart briefly the night before at star labs and right now you were walking down the street ready to go to work, When you suddenly got accompanied by None other then Snart himself. ''Ahh miss (Y/n)'' He said handing you a gift box, you sighed and rolled your eyes Opening it ''Snart. this is a half empty box of chocolates..'' He nudged your side ''Half the calories, Oh I also got you Tea.'' You took the to go cup of tea ''Snart.. Neither of our names is written on this cup'' You gave him a dissapointed look ''Well Nobody came to claim it in the first 4 seconds. I was not about to let a good cup of tea go to waste!'' You scoffed and took a sip ''You are such a strange guy..'' He smirked and stopped turning on his heels walking off,

The next time you saw him was when he turned up on your doorstep with a pizza saying ''Who is ready for a bestie pizza netflic and chill night?!'' You immediatly facepalmed ''Snart we are not friends.... Youre a criminal!'' You glanced at the pizza box ''Snart unless your name is misses Lin Wong You are actually breaking the law right now.'' You groaned as he pushed past you ''Is this because I missed your birthday party? I was in jail'' You sighed and followed him as he walked to the kitchen, you grabbed the Phone and dialed the police ''I'm Aware of that Snart. I'm the one who helped put you in you were not invited..  Wait how did you get out?'' He winked and grabbed your Phone throwing it in the trash ''Its not my first prison break.. I guess we will just have that date night some other time. '' With that he left, you looked down at the pizza ''Well thank you for the pizza! but were not friends!'' You grabbed your Phone out of the trash having a message from your mom saying *Honey, Why didnt you tell me you had such a lovely boyfriend? Were going hunt for bargain prices next Wednesday!*

The third time you met him was in jail.. You had to bail out your mother and Your mother made you bail out Snart too ''Are you mad at me?'' Snart asked walking linked arms with your mother ''Maybe I am. I mean I dont only have to bail you out of jail! no I have to Bail my mother out too because of you! All for your little bargain hunting trip!''  Len chuckled and your mother giggled softly ''Oh lighten up, The real felony was the price of that victorian mirror.'' Your mom added ''He's right honey, so overpriced!'' You sighed deeply ''Moom dont take his side. And Leonard Snart there will be no more lunch appointments or bargain hunting with my mother!'' He rolled his eyes ''Who else will feed my cat when I spend a night in jail again?'' Your mother gasped ''I will ofcourse! NO need to worry Leo.'' you just shook your head ''Mom. He is a felon!'' You mother patted your back ''Oh come on dear, your father was a felon too. He stole italian cars.'' You gasped and len butted in the convo again ''this is intresting. Does he still have those cars?''

The fourth time you met Len was with xmas, Your father was on a business trip so you and your mother were alone.. When you entered your mothers house you caled out ''Mom I got the little marsmallows you texted me about!'',  when you stepped in there was Leonard and Mick Rory, Mick was in the kitchen tasting your mothers veggie sauce.. And Len was seated in the big comfy chair in the corner, wearing on of your moms infamous homemade knitted xmas sweater, drinking out of your Moos Chocolate milk cup ''Oh Good sweetheart. Hot chocolate is not the same without the mini marshmallows.  You let out a sigh and nodded walking over ''I'm so done.. Happy freaking Christmas Snart, Rory..'' You said sitting down next to Snart ''Give me a sip Leonard.''

I read something like this as AU on pinterest and I have been obsessed with the idea ever since, you know the Villian thinking the hero likes them and that theyre friends! also I just needed to write something spontaneous! and I secretly love this.

Mick Rory And leonard Snart Preferences and imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now