Chapter One

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Every footstep I took felt heavy. If only I could leave all my problems away as I take a step forward. As far as I could remember, I never had any tough physical activity but despite that, I felt tired. I had no idea that mental stress could cause this kind of physical reaction to a person.

Damn all those subjects, quizzes, and projects!

I took a deep breath and looked up to the sky. The sun's already setting but I still have two more classes to go. All I wanted to do was to go home and start with the insane number of projects, but instead, I'm at school walking to my next class.

Being a third year college student sure is challenging. For the years that I've been attending at a university, I could firmly say that college life sucks! Well, aside from the fact that you can now legally go to bars and stuff like being drunk, going to parties, and all kinds of shit, college life is full of expenses, duties, and people you need to get along with in order to survive. Yes that's it! College life is all about survival.

"Hey Melissa, you're spacing out." Erika said in an irritated tone. "I was talking and you were not listening!"

"I'm sorry what was it again?"

"I was telling you that we should check out that new café outside the east gate after our class"

I rolled my eyes. "I'll pass. I don't have money." I answered dryly. Well actually I have enough money to buy something but I don't want to spend it – I want to save it. "I am also exhausted. I just want to go home as soon as possible and start doing these damn projects." I added. My head ached as I mentioned the word project.

"Okay." Erika responded sadly.

"I haven't started anything yet." Tony said worriedly while holding her forehead. A little rush of relief ran though me. At least, I was not the only one who was taking this as a problem. "I can really feel that they're making this hard for us on purpose."

"I know right! I'm just curious why Erika is so relaxed with all these things going on." I blurted.

"Duh, it's no news to us. She's always like that." Tony said.

"Don't say it like that, I feel bad for myself." Erika crossed her arms on her chest. "I may not look like it but I do care for projects and stuff." she pouted while trying to defend herself.

"Whatever." Tony and I said in unison.

We already know each other too well. These girls are my best friends. They are funny and easy to be with. I'm just myself when I'm with them. I actually prayed to God to give me friends that are true and won't influence me to do something bad. And He answered my prayers by giving me these two lovely girls.

"Mel, its Alexander." Tony said hitting me with her elbow. "At the back. Near the chapel."

I immediately turned to look at the direction given. The place was a bit crowded, but my eyes immediately found the person she's talking about. Though he's easy to find because he's tall and drop dead handsome – he would always stand out in anyplace he's at, I would always find him no matter what because I just know where he is. My friends even said that I have a built-in radar that detects Alexander – that's what I call love!

I walked towards him unconsciously. My mind went blank all of a sudden. I was mindlessly walking towards him – trying to make the distance between us closer.

"Melissa!" Erika shouted. "What is she doing?" I heard her asked Tony.

"Melissa!" Tony shouted as well.

I continued walking until I reached a large post that looks like the main support of the chapel. I was just a few feet away from him but was hidden behind this post. I stopped. "What am I doing?" I asked myself. I peeped a little and look at him. He's there standing like a prince while holding his phone. It's really him!

My heart beated fast. I could hear it. I could feel it. It was like it's going out of my body. I think it's about to explode! "Alexander!" I shouted as loud as I could. What I did surprise me as well. "What have I done?" I whispered to myself. I covered my mouth with my hands immediately. I was afraid I would do another dumb thing.

I peeped a little again. Just like in movies, everything went in slow motion. He lifted his head and looked towards my direction. I immediately hid myself.

Crap! Crap! Crap! I am an idiot! Totally an idiot! Did he saw me? What would I do if he saw me?

My friends were in shock looking at me. Well not only them but also some other students who happen to be around as well. My face heats up as embarrassment hits me. I could feel everyone's gazes at me. But it was the last concern of the moment. I tried my best to hide myself behind the post. I was not skinny like Tony and Erika, I was actually a bit fat for my height but I still managed to hide myself behind this post.

That was so dumb! Though this is not the first time I have done something like this. Every time I see him, I lose control over myself and would unconsciously call his name and when I realized what I've just done (which is already too late), hide myself as fast as I could before he could see me.

Yes. This happens always to me for around three years already. I don't know if I'm just very quick or just lucky but he has not caught me yet.

"Alex!" I heard someone called him from somewhere. "Hey, what are you looking at?"

"N-nothing." He answered.

"Okay. Let's go. We should not let coach wait."

See? I'm really lucky. Now he's going and he won't catch me. But for some reason I'm sad as well. How I wish I could jump freely here and hug Alexander.

"Okay." Alexander replied.

I exhaled. I'm relieved now. I just realized, I was not breathing the whole time. Did I hold my breath for so long or did everything happen so fast? I don't know and I don't care.

My heart slowly beated back to normal so does my breathing. Alexander really has a weird effect on me.

I bursted into laughter as I reach my friends.

"What were you thinking?" They both yelled at me at the same time.

"I don't know." I answered giggling.

"You are an idiot!" Tony said.

"Totally!" Erika agreed. "Why did you do that?"

"I don't know. Every time I see him, I just... lose control over my body," I explained. "I just do things unconsciously."

"No way, that's impossible!" Tony reacted.

I shrugged and smiled at them. I'm too happy right now. Just the sight of him changed my mood – big time. In an instant, everything seemed easier, everything change positively.

I walked pass them skipping gently as I move.

"Alexander." I uttered softly giggling like an idiot. What happened was fun!

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