Chapter Eighteen

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The AU rejoices the once in a decade victory. They jump. They shout. They are all very happy.

Coach Mark is clapping his hand looking at the boys with a wide smile on his face. The rest of our university's players are rushing and gathering around Alexander. They tap his shoulders and slap his butt. They are all celebrating, praising him for a job well done.

Suddenly, despite all the people around him, he looks into my direction, directly into my eyes. He raises his clinched fist in the air and shouts "We did it!" The rest of the team copies what he did. I smile and raise my hands with thumbs up sign at him.

"Hey. That was really great, Melissa! I didn't know you could walk like that." Toni approaches me with a big hug.

"W-what do you mean?"

"You looked like a different person when you cat walked a while ago."

I cock my head to the side trying to understand what she said.

"I just tried not to fall. Did I do great?"

"Yes!" Erika exclaims. "You really looked like a goddess who just came from the heavens."

"That's exaggerating." I giggle.

"No!" They utter in unison.

"You seriously looked so great." Erika exclaims.

I smile shyly at them. I could not believe what they said. To me, it felt like I just tried not to embarrass myself but as they said, it turned out great. I'm very glad that I gave justice to the sash and crown I'm wearing.

The awarding ceremony follows immediately. And now, I find myself on the center of the court distributing the awards. I am glaring at my friends and Dominic the whole time they explained what I should do. This kind of thing is way beyond my capability.

"Next individual award is the Defensive Player of the Decade and it goes to ..." the emcee says lively "Zac Curpoz of Recolletos University."

He walks to the center of the court with all smiles. This is the guy that blocked Alexander's shot. When we are close enough, I am mesmerized. He is so tall – even taller than Alexander. He is so handsome!

"I think you should give that medal to me." He says teasingly.

"Yeah. Of course." I respond immediately trying to act like it was nothing. "Please bow your head." I say firmly.

"Yes ma'am!"

I quickly hang the medal on the neck and turn around but he grabs my hand.


"What?" I ask, confuse.

"What about the picture? Aren't you supposed to be with me in the picture?"

"I guess not."


I pause for a while, starring confusedly at him. I don't know what he really wants but to me, it looks like if I don't give him what he wants, I would just loose. "O-okay." I shrug.

I stand close to him to pose for the picture. Surprisingly, he wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer. I gasp. I can already smell him. I can't tell he just played a game and sweating a while ago. He smells so good.

"Relax, it's just a picture, babe." He whispers. "Now smile."

I look away. I look at the photographer and smile for the picture.

"Thank you." He says while looking at me.

"You're welcome."

We are looking at each other while standing really close and the photographer captures us again.

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