Chapter Fifteen

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The days flew fast. The Diamond Cup it taking fast turns into everyone's life. The months of preparation is now taking place for this one week event.

Luckily, for the past days, Alexander and I always go to school together and it fuels me up every day. Though my work for the rest of the day is hard, I don't really mind it.

The sad part is I never had a chance to watch any of their games because I got busy running errands from the officers and organizers. It makes me feel sorry for myself. I badly want to watch the team to play. I witness them practice hard to prepare for this cup. I want to watch and witness them achieve their goal.

How I wish that tomorrow, which is the championship game, I will at least be able to watch them.

A light tap on my cheek broke my serious thoughts. I look at the direction of the person who tapped my cheek.

"Hey." Alexander says smiling from ear to ear.

"Hey." I gasp at the heavenly sight. He sits at the chair across me and crosses his legs. "You look so happy."

"I should be. The team made it to the championship." He smiles proudly. I nod in reply. "I was looking for you."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because you were nowhere to be seen."

I pinch myself to stop myself on acting weird. The thought of him looking for me really makes my heart beats fast.

"D-do you need something from me?" I try to stay calm and casual.

"No. I mean in the game." He explains. "I haven't seen you in any of our games. Have you watched one?"

I look down and shook my head. "I tried but things kept on coming up. There are always something for me to work on." I justify myself. I look at his face to see sadness plastering on it. "I'm sorry."

He stands up and put his hands on his pocket. "It's okay. Just make sure you'll be there tomorrow. It's the most important game, you know."

"I'll try."

"You should because I won't play unless I see you there. Mark my word." That's it and he leaves me shock and confuse.

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