Chapter Forty-nine

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Dominic slightly brushes highlight on my face, stroking it gently with his make-up brush. "Damn bitch, you're going to slay it tonight." He says proudly.

I smile and look at my reflection in the mirror. I am really surprise to see a very beautiful woman starring back at me. She's all glammed up: Eyebrows' on fleek, make-up's on point. Everything about this girl is screaming beauty! The sides of her hair are slightly braided to keep it away from her face, leaving the rest of her hair gracefully flowing on her back in beautiful soft curls.

I tilt my head and she does the same. I touch my cheek and she touches her. Every time I blink, she blinks. I gasp. There is no way this girl is me!

"Dominic, this is insane! I look like a different person!" I exclaim in disbelief.

"Oh shut up. You still look like you." He says raising an eyebrow. "But with make-up."

I giggle and stare at myself some more. I can't stop myself from smiling. I could not take my eyes off of my reflection. I feel like I could stare at myself forever. I look insanely good.

"I look beautiful."

He leans down and nears his face next to mine. He looks at me through the mirror as he holds my shoulders. "You've always been beautiful even since the day I first saw you."

"That's so sweet."

He smiles and kisses my hair.

Today, I'm all glammed up for the Lorenzo's ball. I have been with him since yesterday here in his condo, and he has not stopped talking about how he would make me pretty today. Dominic has been styling and putting make-up on me for three hours now. He's also the one who chose the gown I'm wearing. He manages every little thing about me tonight, making sure that I look good,

He says that since I was crowned Miss University, I need to stun everyone in every place I go, in preparation for bigger pageants in the future. I actually laugh at him when he said that. I had no plans on entering another pageant in the future. Miss University is more than enough for me.

Shane, Dominic's housekeeper enters the room carrying a huge bouquet of blue roses in her arms. She walks and hands it over to me.

"Someone sent this for you." She says before getting out of the room.

"It's so beautiful." I gasp. I look back to the flowers and read the card hanging from it. The card says:

Beautiful roses for my beautiful lady.

I love you, love.

No name is needed for me to recognize to whom this comes from. Alexander's hand writing has become very familiar to me, and most of all, he is the only one who calls me love.

It has been a week since the tune up game happened and I haven't seen him since then. We exchanged messages and video-chatted a couple of times but we had not been together since that day.

"Who sent it?" Dominic asks. I raise my head to look at him and give him not an answer but a smile that does not reach my eyes. He looks at me sympathetically. "What are you planning to do now?"

"I don't know." I shrug.

"What?" He exclaims. "You should do something about it. We both know that this is wrong, Melissa. You are cheating and it's so wrong."

"I'm trying to." I answer. "I know I am cheating and I know this is wrong but I did not want this to happen this way. I don't want to hurt any of them but whatever decision I make, I would end up hurting either one or both of them. I know this is my fault and I want to make it right but I am loosing options." I explain. I say those words softly but it is full of emotions that I've been holding up for the last few weeks. "I tried to break up with Zac but he won't let me."

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