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My mouth hangs open as I stare at myself on the front cover of a newspaper.

Melissa Santiago, Miss Universe 2020.

Those were the words printed all over the headlines.

I could still not believe what had happened last night. It feels like a dream – a very wonderful dream. I still could not think everything was real, even so I could feel the weight of the crown on my head even when it's not on my head anymore.

I stare at the beautiful silver crown adorned with beautiful blue delicate crystals on the table. It's the exact same crown I was wearing on the picture.

I really won!

"Hey, Miss Universe." Dominic appears from the side carrying a huge bouquet of red roses in his arms. His smile evident on his face. If I know, he is happier than me for winning the biggest pageant in the universe. He has been training me for the last four years for this very moment. I was against it at first but with the help of my parents, friends, and of course Alexander, I agreed joined the pageant and fortunately, won the title.

"What's that?"

"Roses." He rolls his eyes as he places it in front of me.

I pick up the card and my eyes open even wide as I read it in my mind.

Congratulations. I'm so happy for you.

- Zac

"Who's that from?" Alexander asks with an obvious frustration.

I look at him, look back on the card before looking at him again. "Zac." I reply.

Surprise is written all over his face. He's silently staring at me without saying anything.

I – we have not seen Zac personally since the party. I had only seen him on pictures on magazines and news. I heard he now owns a successful engineering firm and has become a famous bachelor. Apart from that, I know nothing else about him right now. Four years had passed and since then this is the first time that he approached me.

"I think that is just a friendly greeting." Dominic says.

"Yeah. He's just congratulating me." I shrug.

The both of us look at Alexander, waiting for what he would say.

Slowly, a smile appears on his lips. "That guy never fails to surprise me." He lets out a soft chuckle and looks at me. "Should we send him a flower too?"

"I don't think that is necessary." I eye him suspiciously.

"What's with the look?"

"What are you thinking?"

"Nothing in particular. I'm thinking maybe I should thank him in personal. You know... Like saying, thank you for the flowers. Would that be weird?"

I let out a laugh and so did Dominic. "That would really be weird. First of all, the flowers were sent to me and not you."

He did not say anything and just shrug.

Four years has already passed. A lot of things happened, a lot of things changed but we can't deny the fact that Zac had an important role in our lives. He could always do something that would affect us greatly. We did him wrong and I'm very sorry for that but I if I would be given a chance to change something from my past, I would change nothing because all of those are the reason why these things are happening now, and I am happy to how things are now. My past made me who I am today. My past made me to be with my one true love, and I could not ask anything more.

I'm sorry and thank you, Zac.

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