Chapter Seventeen

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I can hear the screams of people all around the court. I can hear the loud music playing though the speakers. But above all, I could hear my heart beating so rapidly.

From here in the backstage, I could only sight a small glimpse of what's happening outside. I feel scared. I feel like I could pass out any moment. What have I put myself into?

I just need to walk. Just walk. Just walk like a Victorias' Secret model. Okay that just makes things worse for me. I'll just try not to trip over.

I softly pat my face with my hand to wipe away my cold sweats.

"Go! Go! Go!" Dominic exclaims as he gently pushes me out of the backstage.

Help me God!

I take a deep breath a hold it in. I slowly take a step out and on the stage. I smile – trying to give my prettiest smile possible.

"The host for this year's Diamond Cup is the Adelente University. And to represent the university, we have here Miss AU 2015, Miss Melissa Santiago." The hosts announces through the speakers.

With a hand on my waist, arched back, stomach in, chin up, and a smile plastering on my face, I walk as gracefully and prettily as I could. I crisscross my legs trying to cat walk as best as possible. Do not fall. Do not fall! Though my lips are trembling, I continue to smile.

I can see the hundreds if not thousands of people around looking at me. I want to close my eyes and run away from here but that would be a total embarrassment. With shaking knees, I continue to walk farther. I glance at Erika and Toni cheering me up at the corner. Dominic is there nodding his head with a smile on his face. And there, right at the side, I can clearly see Alexander. Our eyes meet. He's looking at me with a shock face. His jaw is drop and his eyes have gotten big.

I wave at him. It takes him a moment to respond before he smiles and shakes his head. I secretly laugh at him. Finally, I reach the part where I should be at. There are seats prepared. I sit on the only vacant seat.

Relief floods me. I breathe in, touch my heart and exhale. I feel like my heart is about to explode. My knees are still trembling but I feel less tensed now. I smile to myself. I did it!

My eyes find its way back to Alexander. He is on the bench still looking at me. I wave gently at him. "I'm here!" I mouth.

He smiles back at me. He turns around and faces Coach Mark. They exchange words quickly and he removes his jacket. Coach slaps his butt and nod at him. A horn has blown to signal the start of the second quarter. Alexander is one of the players who enter the court.

"What a surprise. After refusing to play during the first quarter, Alexander de Vera is finally joining the game." The emcee announces followed by the loud screams from the audience.

I am stunned by the announcement. Did he really wait for me to show up?

I immediately look at the score board. The score is 25:16 in favor of the opponent. Eleven points lead is such a big deal.

The second quarter begins. Our team is playing defense but Alexander gets a steal and makes a wonderful lay-up shot. The AU students rejoice to the two point score.

"Yes!" I shout together with the rest of the audience but I catch a glimpse of Dominic staring at me with his killer eyes as if saying, act properly, bitch. I shut my mouth close and sit properly. "Go guys. You can do it!" I cheer silently.

Time passes so fast. Everyone in the gymnasium are shouting and screaming their hearts out to support their teams. The whole place is on fire. I actually want to scream with the rest of the crowd and bang the drums myself but it's unfortunate I could not do that right now.

By the end of the second quarter, the score is even at 55. I am tapping my heels on the floor itching to do something.

Alexander is still playing during the third quarter. The score is crucial so the Coach needs the best players to be on the court. Before he step his foot inside the court, he looks at me and playfully winks. I get freeze on my seat with my face burning. I bite my lips and look away. I don't know how to react to that playful gesture.

I hear gasp from the crowd.

"Did you see that? He winked at me!" I hear someone says.

"No bitch. It was for me!" The other one says.

I smile secretly. Hey bitches, that was for me!

Alexander and the team continue to make splendid shots. Since I am not allowed to shout, whatsoever, I settle to praying silently. My silent prayer is just as loud as the screams of the crowd.

I am biting my tongue to stop myself from screaming. I can feel the intensity of the game even up to the tip of my hair. I am nervous. The score is really close but I know they will win. I know they will because Alexander said so.

Alexander is dribbling the ball and is giving his teammates signals for a play. He passes the ball to his teammate and passes to Anthony and passes back again to Alexander, who is now already under the basket. Alexander jumps for a dunk. Everyone's eyes are on him waiting for him to smash the ball in to the basket. But he gets block by someone. The player blocks the shot and pushes Alexander down making him fall terribly to the floor.

"Alexander." I gasp in terror. I hear a lot of shock voices all over.

Alexander stands up and faces the guy. He utters something and grins – an evil one. Looking at him at this moment is scaring the hell out of me. I didn't know he is capable of showing such a creepy face. He faces the guy with their faces close to each other. The guy utters something as well and looks at me. Alexander clinches his fist.

Crap! Will someone stop them? I can already smell blood in the air!

Anthony pulls Alexander away from the guy. He pats his shoulder trying to calm him down. On the other hand, the guy is also being pulled away by his teammates.

I exhale. Thank goodness. That would be a big flight if they were not stopped.

The game continues but the pressure greatly increases. The players are giving their all-out best and so are the crowd. Everyone is fired up.

The tension between the guy and Alexander is very visible. They are into a man to man defense putting every move personally and physically.

That continues until the last minute of the game.

The game already reaches the second overtime but the score are still very crucial at 115 against 115.

Alexander is dribbling the ball on the last five seconds of the game.

Five ... he's at the half court.

Four ... he passes through an opponent.

Three ... he's at the three point lane.

Two ... he steps back.

One ... he jumps and throws the ball.

Everyone's eyes are on the ball. It goes in a slow motion. The ball slowly reaches the basket and ... shot! It is a seamless shot! The horn blows – it's finally the end of the game.

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