Chapter Three

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My hair was tied tightly in a bun. I was wearing my favorite pajama pants and a very comfortable shirt while lying on my bed – front side down and seriously looking at my laptop trying to focus on making my project. Beside my laptop was a pile of empty junk food wrappers mixed with those that still remains unopened. On the other side was an almost empty one litter container of water. This is my usual picture when studying or doing stuff related to school.

It's already nine in the evening and I started doing this since nine in the morning. I only stood up a couple of times whenever I needed to pee or eat – real foods like rice and meat.

I blinked. My eyes hurt. They were really red right now. This for sure is the result of twelve hours of straight exposure to laptop radiation.

"Melissa!" my mom called out.


"Come here."

"What is it?" I said as I found her in the kitchen. She was holding a spatula while stirring something in the stock pot. "What are you doing?"

"Your cousins are coming over tomorrow. I'm preparing foods for them in advance."

"Okay. Why did you call me?"

"Go to the convenience store real quick. I lack some ingredients here, you see."

"Mom, I still have projects to do!" I protest.

"It won't take long, Melissa!"


"Here." She gave me a piece of paper where she listed all the things she wanted me to buy along with some money. "Be back quickly."

I glared at her. I can't do anything but follow my mom. In our household her words are rules – she is the rule itself. Dad and I would always follow her or else, things would get nasty.

I went out of the house in my pajama pants, dirty clothes, and messy hair. I just remembered I haven't taken a bath today. I stink for sure. But I don't really care. Since it's already dark and nobody should be in the store by now, except for the clerk of course, I don't really give a damn about my appearance. The store was only five blocks away so it doesn't really takes that much time and effort to reach there.

"Arf! Arf! Arf!" a loud sound behind my back maked me jump. I got surprised to see a huge dog behind me. His teeth were showing and saliva was dripping from his mouth while growling. He looked angry but to whom? I looked around to see who else was there. I even search for small animals but there wasn'tn't anyone or anything but me.

I glanced at the dog. His face looked scary and he's looking at me. My feet stiffened all of a sudden. I need to run! I need to run!

Suddenly, the dog ran and in an instinct, I ran as well. I did not dare to look behind me but just closed my eyes and run as fast as I could to save my life. I ran harder and faster. I was surprised that I could ran this fast. This is the power of adrenaline rush.

I saw a light on the periphery of my vision. It was the convenience store! I focused my eyes there and ran towards it. My feet begun to hurt but I didn't want to stop. I could still hear the dog running after me.

I rushed inside the convenience store. I felt safe all of a sudden. But I was out of breath and my legs were shaking like crazy. I fell down on my knees.

"Hey, are you okay?" I heard someone asks.

I nodded. I still can't talk. I was still trying to catch my breath.

My knees and hands were on the floor. My sweats were dripping on the floor, while I continued catching my breath.

"Miss, is there anyone following you?" the guy asked again.

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