Chapter Twenty-five

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It's already Monday and I plan on going to school.

The week end passed so fast with me doing nothing but watch TV while lying on my bed. I don't intentionally want it though. I just can't go around without help from someone because of my injured foot. It sucks but I like the feeling of being served by the people around me.

Since I already deleted my facebook account, I don't have any other connection to the social media because that was the only social media account I had.

"Melissa, are you done?" I heard my mom shouts from outside my room.

"Almost." I answer while putting on a nude lipstick.

"Double time. There is someone waiting for you. Just tell me if you need help."

My eyebrows cross. Who could it be? It's still very early and I'm not expecting anyone.

I grab my crutches and stand up.

I am still learning how to use these things. They kind of hurt my armpits but this is still better.

"Dad, please drive me to school. I can't take the bus, you see." I shout as I make my way out of the room. I heard no response. "Daddy, please drive me to school." I shout a little louder.

"You're dad already left." Mom says peeping her head from the kitchen.

"What?! But mom, I need to go to school."

"Don't worry. That's why I'm here." Says the man with a familiar voice.

I immediately turn to look at him. "Zac?" I say stun. "What are you doing here?"

He is smiling from ear to ear while sitting comfortably on the chair with his legs crossed. He looks very comfortable – at home even. Is this really his first time here?

"I just know that you need my help today." He answers in his usual playful tone.

"Shut up." I exclaim. "How did you know where I live?"

"I have my source."

"Cut that off." I say pissed. He doesn't answer but laugh instead. Oh god he's enjoying this. "Zac, you're creeping me out. Are you stalking me?"

He laughs louder. "Melissa, do you think a face like this is suited for the word stalker?" He points his face.

I roll my eyes. Here he goes again with his over confidence. I haven't known him so much but so far, I think Zac is a great guy. He is drop-dead handsome and he is an excellent basketball player. I'm sure a lot of girls would do anything to wake up one day seeing this guy inside their house sitting on their sofa.

Damn. Should I be grateful about this?

No hell way!

"Melissa, come here. You should eat your breakfast before going to school." Mom shouts. "You too Zac."

"Oh yeah!" He stands up and walks pass me. "We should not say no to blessings!"

* * *

He parks smoothly outside the university. He is an excellent driver. He drives fast but I felt safe.

We talked a lot during the whole time he was driving. No. We argued a lot. We were fighting over how he knew my address. His answers were all fucked up. He was just making fun of me.

"Thank you." I snap after he turned his engine off.

"Could you sound a little sincere?" I roll my eyes at him. "Whatever." He chuckles. He goes out of the car and walks around it to open the door for me. He then hands me my crutches which were placed in the back seat.

"Stop being a gentleman. It's creepy."

He laughs. This man sure loves to show his teeth. He helps me get out of the car while being cautious on where to touch me.

"Thank you." I say with a smile this time.

I raise my head and notice a familiar car parked near us. From there, Alexander comes out with his usual handsome self.

My smile fades.

Everything that happened at La Vista flashed back. His words. The pain. Everything.

I look away.

"I need to go." I tell Zac and walks away.

"What time should I pick you up?" Zac shouts loudly.

I look at him and smile sweetly. "Seven." I shout back. "Pick me up by seven."

"Okay." Zac smiles cheerfully.

I don't like the idea of him driving me to school today but now I agreed to let him pick me up after class. Crap. I just saw Alexander and I'm acting weird. Am I expecting Alexander to get jealous?

What the fuck.

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