Chapter Twenty-four

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"Melissa, say something please." Toni tensely says on the other side of the phone.

I don't know what to say while looking blankly on the screen of my computer. I blink a couple of times thinking that I might have read things differently but it doesn't.

I just arrived home.

Coach Mark drove me home because I can't walk on my own. He also said that it is his responsibility to tell my parents what happened. As for my parents, they were shock seeing me getting carried all the way in to my room with a large cast on my foot. My mother was on the verge of crying while my dad remained calm while they were talking to Coach Mark. He explained to them that I got into an accident and I broke a bone but I'll be okay with just a lot of rest.

They left me alone in my room.

I was supposed to fall asleep but suddenly, my mom went inside my room handing me her phone. She gave it to me saying that Toni wants to talk to me. I surely misplaced my phone. I should really start looking for it.

Toni immediately blurted with a firm command when I started to talk to her. She wants me to open my facebook account ASAP. I didn't say a word and follow her.

I used my computer.

When I logged in to my account, I was surprised by the number of notifications and messages I have. I viewed my wall and wished that I didn't because everything that was on there was a big joke.

"Hey Mel, still there? Say something." Toni repeats.

"Wow." I exhale, unable to properly process what's happening.

My wall is full of hate comments, curses, and even threats.

You're an ugly ass bitch!

Go kill yourself.

If I have a face like you, I would rather die.

I continued scrolling down my wall. There are hundreds of such posts. As I go down, the comments get meaner and meaner.

Why did they choose someone like her to be Miss AU? Are they trying to make our school a joke?

You've got to be kidding me. Did she just represent our school?

She's a pig.

What's that on her head, is that a face?

Alexander chose you? What the fuck!

"Melissa?" Toni says, full of concern.

"What's this?" I ask in trembling voice.

"The girls from our school are angry over you being Miss AU and about the pictures of you and Alexander during the diamond cup."

"Pictures? What pictures?"

"Someone took pictures of you two together."

"What? So?"

"Wait. I'll give you a link."

I immediately click the given link as soon as I received it. An album appears on the screen uploaded by some Angel Fernandez. I don't know her but she is no angel at all.

There is a picture of Alexander and me smiling to each other while standing real close. Another picture shows him pulling me. I remember this one. This was when he pulled me away from those who wanted to take a picture with me. One picture was captured when he was carrying me in the hallway. The last one is a picture of us going inside his car.

I haven't noticed anyone taking a picture of us that time.

I look at the pictures again. We looked happy. Inlove.

A sudden pain hit me. These were all taken before we messed up. Things are very different now - it's the exact opposite of what's in the picture.

So the girls are angry at me because they can't believe that I represented our school and on top of that, they are thinking that I am Alexander's girlfriend.

"What should I do, Toni?"

"I don't know. Maybe you should post something that would prove that you are not in a relationship."

"Nah. That won't work." I answer problematically.

We remain silent for a moment, thinking on how to solve this problem.

"I'll call Erika. Let's have a conference call."

"Yeah. Okay."

Yeah. We're out of ideas. Erika might say something useful.

"Delete it." She says after Toni explains to her everything. "In my understanding, your problem is that there are bitches posting nasty things on your wall. So if they don't have your wall to post to, they'll stop posting. You get me?"

"She can't just delete her facebook." Toni protested.

"Look. She is hurt because she could read those posts. If she could not read those, she won't be hurt. Problem solved."

"Easy for you to say. You deleted your account five times already."

"Let Melissa decide, okay?" Erika says. I could imagine her raising her eyebrow. "What do you think, Melisa?"

I scroll the posts again.

I hate things like these. I can't even sleep thinking that someone is mad at me.

This should stop.

"How can I delete my account?"

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