Chapter Twenty-eight

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Zac is already sitting and having breakfast in the dining area when I go out of my room. I sit on the chair beside him and start to eat as well. He has become a common sight in our house since the day he first came here. It actually has been two month since that happened.

It has been two month since he started to show up here every morning and eat breakfast with my family. He then drives me to school and picks me up after class. He sometimes had dinner here too. He has become very close with my parents.

At first, he told us that he wants to make sure that I won't get a hard time on going to school because of my injury but even when I can already walk without my crutches, he still comes here every day.

"Why are you here again?" I snap.

"Do you really need to ask me that every morning?"

"Yes because I see you here every morning."

"I have free breakfast here, okay?"

I roll my eyes at him. Arguing has also become a part of our daily routine. "If I know, you're doing all these because you have fallen for me."

"Yeah you're right. How did you know that?"

"Shut up!"

Here's the thing about Zac that I've figured out after being with him most of the time for the past months: He is a great guy. He is fun to be with and he is trustworthy but don't believe everything he says because it's either made up or he twisted it somehow.

"Hey you two, stop that." My dad, who is sitting next to Zac, says. Daddy has also become the peacemaker. He is the one who stops us from arguing.

"Zac, what time is your basketball practice today?" He asks Zac.

"Seven thirty, sir."

"Hey Melissa, move faster. You're making Zac late."


"If Zac would be late today, I won't give your allowance tomorrow."

"Dad, are you serious? Why would you choose that..." I raise my finger and point Zac. "adopted son of yours over me? You're so unfair!"

Zac raise his hand. "Correction. It's not adopted son. It's son-in-law, right daddy?"

"Yes son. Yes." He chuckles. Then they high five.

I storm off the dining area living both of them. I don't finish my food and just go back to my room to brush my teeth.

* * *

Toni, Erika and I are eating our lunch in the canteen. It feels nice to be with them again. It has been long since the last time we were like this.

"Being out of the basketball team really gives you a whole lot of free, right?" Toni says while taking a bite from her sandwich.

"Yeah." I smile.

A week after the night I talked with Alexander, I decided to get out of the basketball team. I was surprise by how I easily decided on that. My only reason for staying there was Alexander and now that things are not good between us, it's just right to be out of there.

I'm just thankful that Coach Mark made no complaints and granted my wish immediately.

"Are you over him already?" Erika asks.

"I'm not really sure about that." I sigh. "But I'll be soon. I've been crazy over him for so long and all I need is a little more time to snap out of it."

To be honest, I still think about him but as days gone by, I think less and less of him. I hope and I know that one day, I'll forget about my feelings for him.

I'm actually looking forward to that day.

I think I made a great progress already. Before, I would cry every time I thought about Alexander, I can't even talk about him. But now, I can casually talk about him. I made a great progress for over a month and I'm proud of it. Though I haven't seen him yet, I think I could manage it somehow.

"Let's not talk about that prick anymore. Let's talk about someone else." She eyes me meaningfully. "So what is your status with Zac?"

I roll my eyes. "We're friends. Don't put any meaning behind it guys."

"Oh don't give me that." Erika snaps. "What kind of friends does go to your house every day to drive you back and forth the university?"

"A good friend." I shrug. They both roll their eyes on me. "He haven't said anything yet."

"Wake up girl. He tells you every time that he loves you. Can't you hear it?"

"It's a joke."

"Don't be so naïve." Erika snaps again. "He likes you Melissa. He won't do this if he doesn't."

I shrug and continue eating.

They are right. Zac tells me that he likes me but I always take it as a joke because he always says it like a joke too. I actually believed him once before but he laughed at me when I told him that I can't reciprocate his feelings. He told me not to take what he says seriously and since then, I learned my lessons.

"By the way Melissa, do you remember Dominic?" Toni asks.

"Yeah. He's the guy who dragged me to walk in the middle of the basketball court during the diamond cup. Yes I remember him. I can't forget him actually."

"Great. I gave your number to him."

I laugh. "Wow. I never thought I'm pretty enough to make a self-proclaimed gay fall for me."

Erika laughs as well. "You know what, even if you get naked in front of him, you won't make him fall you. Trust me. I tried it once."

"Really?" Toni and I exclaims in unison.

"Just kidding." She laughs a lot more.

"Are you sure?" Toni looks at her suspiciously.

"Let's not talk about that." She flips her hair uneasily. "So what does Dominic wants with Melissa?"

"You're not getting away with this. We'll talk about this soon." Toni says pointing at her. "Anyway, he has something to tell you." She looks at me. "Expect a call from him."

"What is it about?"

"I don't know."

I shrug and take a deep breath.

My phone vibrates. I immediately pick it up to see that it's Zac who is calling me.

"What?!" I snap.

"I'm gonna pick you up at five. We're watching a movie."

"Nah. I'm busy."

"I don't care." Then he hangs up.

"Hello? Hello?" I scratch my head in frustration.

"What happened? Who was that?" Erika asks as she sips her can of soft drink.

"It's Zac. We're watching movie later."

Toni raises her hands. "See, that's what I'm telling you." She looks at Erika. "We were talking about."

"Stop it guys."

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