Chapter Forty-four

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I am walking along the hallway when someone surprises me by grabbing my arm.

"Melissa." Alexander says holding my arm.

"Hey." I say, surprise.

"What's this?" Erika's eyes are going back and forth me and Alexander.

"What do you want, Alexander?" Toni says raising an eyebrow at him.

"I'll borrow your friend for a bit." He answers and drags me away from my friends, before they could even say a word.

Toni and Erika's jaws drop looking at us. Confusion is written all over their face as they watch me being taken away by Alexander.

"What are you doing?" I say pulling my arm away from him.

"Why can't I contact you? I've been trying to call you for weeks but I can't reach your phone."

"I changed my number." I answer dryly. I changed my cellphone number about a week ago because he is just constantly calling me.

"W-what? Why?" He says in obvious shock.

I turn and walk away but he grabs my hand stopping me from going away. "What do you care? Who are you to call me anyway?"

"Are you avoiding me?" He says looking straight into my eyes. "Why?"

I raise my eyebrow at him. I try to look tough hiding the fact that I am shaking inside. "This is how we are before, Alexander. Don't ever think that everything's changed just because I've been with you for a couple of days."

I purposely avoided him. I changed my number and made sure that he was nowhere to be seen every time I get out of the house. It was tough. He was extremely persistent. He called me constantly and was mostly present everywhere I go but somehow, I could still find a way to get away from him.

"What's wrong?"

"Everything! Everything is wrong, Alexander. You made it clear last time that you wanted me to be your girlfriend, and that is not going to happen because I have a boyfriend! So could you plea –"

"Then break up with him." He says as a matter of fact.

My mouth hangs open as I look at him in disbelief. "Are you hearing yourself?" I laugh sarcastically. "Shut up and stop saying nonsense. I could not believe you are like this." I turn and storm away from him but he grabs my shoulders this time.

"Melissa, please." He pleads. Tears are forming on his eyes ready to fall down anytime.

"Please what?"

"I'd wait, patiently. Just don't push me away." His voice is shaking.

I look at him straight in the eye and manage to smile. "How dare you ask for the thing that you refused to give me?" I say without even blinking. "Now could you please remove your hand? I'm supposed to be somewhere important."

My words strike him hard. He helplessly removes his hand from my shoulders and stands there with his arm dangling lifelessly from his shoulder. The sight of him brings joy and sadness to me. I feel satisfied yet sorry for him. I feel happy yet horrible.

"Don't do this, please." I hear him beg.

"No Alexander, don't do this. You're asking me to either break up with my boyfriend or cheat on him and I'm not willing to do any of that." I walk away leaving him but stop and look at him again. "Just a piece of advice, stop this already." With that, I walk away, completely leaving him helplessly looking at me.

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